So many intelligent people I know look at me like I have two heads when I try to honestly talk to them about Covid. Brainwashed and afraid. Yes it’s so upsetting learning history that has been long redacted but if we don’t learn from newly released redacted stories we will forever be ignorant. I fought looking into all of this but over the last three years I have done a deep dive into legitimate news and books and into the alternative news sources. Wow. Alternative news truly releases the truth.

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I’ve had the exact same experience. Only now people are staring to open their minds to another reality. I have been shocked at the level of denial and wilful blindness amongst the population and even more worryingly, the medical profession.

Under a lot of pressure to get the ‘elephant’ initially, I began searching for scientists and medical pro’s who were as sceptical as me that this was the ‘cure all’ they were promising, I soon learned that there was not a lot of truth coming from the establishment. Thankfully, although traumatic, I’m extremely glad I resisted the constant pressure both from my own husband and the wider community to take it.

It’s time this mind control ended and the truth is finally allowed to prevail!

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Agree! How much does the uneducated people ( my own family😡) need?

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Covid was/is very clearly massive fraud so the usual analysis of excellent science is I fear wasted to some degree.

There was, in my view, never any intention except to sell as many jabs as possible for a pharma industry with falling profits and the responses ie mandates/ ridiculing natural immunity/ removal of ivermectin, vast press propaganda, nonsense science promoted eg 2m rule or masks work etc tell the tale very clearly.

It carries on today and the mainstream press is looking increasingly out of touch but the really important task for the non legacy media is too inform those who remain unaware of the fraud as it’s that knowledge which will stop in its tracks any attempt by the State repeat the scam. ( and they will).

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Agreed. I would add that the depopulation scheme was ramped up and brought to the fore after a century behind closed doors. Katherine Watt, Sasha Latypova and Forrest Maready have done an incredible job of shining a light where once there were only shadows.

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R.I.P. Dr Jackie Stone 🙏, she was vilified, her license to practice was removed, she was censored, harassed, her family was threatened and the only way to keep them safe she felt was to take her own life. Thank you for your years of service to humanity.

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DOCTOR, I beg you to cover growing cases Guillain-Barré Syndrome in India? Something is off in the way government is reporting it.

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Health ALERT!

sorry, I'm missing that part. I thought covid is over...

If all what we are dealing with are microclots then things should get stabilized once out of the 5G zone..

Btw, a swiss Prof. of medicine (https://www.integrativemedicine.info/about-us/prof-dr-stefan-hockertz/) just recently stated that the 3x,4x covid injected have under the skin microclots all over their bodies.

Oh, found the list of regeneration timing for different tissues, the EIGHT days dilemma, maybe it's that??


LUNGS ALVEOLI turnover time=8days...

That link implies how intentional nuclear tests can falsify the dating analysis, ending up in stories like: 'millions' of years ago...

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This was a fantastic talk! I am looking forward to hearing more about the spiritual side of health. I would also appreciate hearing more about the gut aspect Dr Chetty alluded to while mentioning immune dysregulation and micro clots in covid/vaccine issues. Thank you… beyond grateful for you doctors putting these complex pieces together!!

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Hello Dr. McMillan,

For the first time, I find myself disagreeing with Dr. Chetty on the topics of consciousness, spiritual well-being, and genetics. Consciousness is deeply reliant on a healthy limbic system. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with a fully functional amygdala, a well-developed hippocampal cortex, or an optimally working orbital prefrontal cortex—deficiencies that can remain undiagnosed for years.

Additionally, the MAOA gene (often referred to as "the warrior gene") has been linked to emotional dysregulation, which can manifest as a lack of emotional awareness or "consciousness" due to diminished emotional processing. As a result, individuals with these genetic or neurological deficiencies often struggle to regulate their emotions. Despite this, they are frequently perceived as normal—or even exceptionally brilliant—by those around them.

For a deeper dive into the connection between brain function and behavior, I highly recommend The Psychopath Inside by James Fallon. For broader insights into the interplay of genetics, behavior, and free will, Behave by Robert Sapolsky (or his more recent work, Determined) offers a thought-provoking exploration.

Best, Sieglinde

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Hippocampus - autobiographical memory - spike protein - neuroinflammation - The Indoctrinated Brain, an interview with molecular geneticist De Michael Nehls:


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"...They have injected you with a product that went directly, medically at the space in your brain that makes you an individual, that makes you brave, that makes you independent..."

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I wonder if there could be a coexistence between both your and Dr Chetty’s ideas around this. Surely when you bring the study of epigenetics into the equation we can imagine that there could well be a significant effect from environmental stimuli to the expression of these rogue genes.

As Dr Chetty said, the genes are not constantly releasing RNA, so what is triggering them to release their RNA thereby making the proteins that can lead to these negative gene expressions.

They invariably do not show themselves until after birth and research has shown that environmental factors do cause changes in gene expression. These can be both physical toxicity AND, crucially IMO, emotional trauma.

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Thank you for your question about coexistence.

In short, genetics and epigenetics can lead to PFC dysfunction.

The evidence lies in the role of the prefrontal cortex (vmPFC & dlPFC) in consciousness and empathy. When impaired, emotions can become overwhelming (enlarged amygdala) or muted (reduced or absent amygdala).

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I’m not an expert, obviously, but I understand the basic physiology of these parts of the brain, the PFC and its relationship to the amygdala.

Thank you for your reply, you’ve confirmed my thoughts.

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Finding the answer is a challenge, but some of the evidence can be found in both books I mentioned, as well as in Biological Effects of Childhood Trauma: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3968319/

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Dear MD's,

do you know anything about introducing foreign NON-HUMAN toxic genes into the human body?? Do you know that anything RNA related is defined as GENETIC material?? Do you know how that application of foreign genetic materials (derived in AI guided genetic code manipulation, resulting in the aimed DIRECT EVOLUTION) into all different species is called??? Why are you PRETENDING to be completely illiterate on exactly that topic??? To push what the global genocide agenda wants?? Do you aim in DIFFERENT HUMAN SPECIES, and if so, in what kind of?? Can you please elaborate on that?



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I would like more information on how Dr.Chetty was unable to prevent himself from falling victim to the 8th day symptoms of Covid, and what he is doing about it for the future. Surely there are other indicators of an active infection than the single transient symptoms he dismissed, e.g. followup tests or other symptoms to watch for or even illness sniffing dogs.

This is important for all the unjabbed to know - if this highly talented and schooled doctor cannot avoid the problem then how can we?

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What do you think about growing cases Guillain-Barré Syndrome in India? Something is off in the way government is reporting it.

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No idea about India specifically but it is a known serious adverse effect of the Covid mRNA shots. Can you point out a report where you saw this trend?

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"The COVID-19 pandemic was a seismic event.. " There are 3 words missing at the beginning of that sentence. It should read: "The reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic was a seismic event that exposed the strengths and weaknesses of our global health systems, ethics, and, importantly, our humanity."

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I love the podcast but the introductory music is way too much. Don't like to listen to it each time. Sorry for the criticism.

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would you prefer some classical music instead??

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Or some Rock n Roll 🤣

Or just forward fast a little bit past the music et voila.. even a child could do that.

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i like the intro and outro music. Perhaps part of the opening screen could be an instruction to skip to the time mark when the episode starts.

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