Oct 24, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Fascinating to watch our useless lawmakers dribble more and more nonsense. Where were all their committees that we, the taxpayer, pay a fortune for? The subcommittees and committees whose job is to investigate what pharma is up to. Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul, and so many others did not do their job. Now we have even more evidence of their negligence with the approval of experimental biologicals for covid with NO SAFETY OR EFFICACY DATA. Our lawmakers must be held accountable as well as the health agencies involved and of course the maker of these disastrous concoctions.

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Excellent points.

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Clearly, the payoff is greater for Pharma than the fines. If perhaps there was a greater penalty - such as you lose the ability to bring any new drug to market for 5 to 10 years - THEN we’d see some behavior change.

In other words, the spankings need to be stronger.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

FDA officials are useless. They contend there is a person is 8 times less likely to get myocarditis after COVID jabs and there is no increase in cancers after being jabbed. The willfully blind are still running the show. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/us-officials-concede-no-active-surveillance-long-term-effects-covid-19-vaccines

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Perfect comparison. The problem though is now we have opened the floodgates of mRNA treatments and because we allowed things to move at an unprecedented rapid pace, the trend continues with more mRNA treatments entering the market. We need to go all the way back to the fundamentals and put the brakes on all of it.

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This is just what I was discussing with my friend!

You are doing good stuff. Calmly and methodically bringing awareness.

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