Part II. Okay, not able to post image. If you go to slide 12 of the powerpoint you will see that on the week ending June 3, 2022 in the UK there is a distinct significant decrease in SARS-CoV-2 deaths across all ages (SARS-CoV-2 with or without pneumonia). In the Excess All-Cause Mortality (EACM) plot for the UK on June 5 there was a negative EACM (around the time of emergence of BA.5) of about -17%. Slide 15. This shows trained immunity involving HERV-K102 particle production significantly protects against all cause death including BA.5 infection. The omicron waves are 1) associated with significant induction of trained innate immunity but 2) vaccination appears to generate variants and also generates non-COVID-19 deaths suggestive that people are dying in response to the mRNA vaccine (toxic vector and toxic spike) and see also data for Alberta unknown cause of death. In other words it looks like omicron resets immunity to favor HERV-K102 trained innate immunity which is the best response to an RNA pandemic virus so that herd immunity can end the pandemic. Otherwise if one keeps vaccinating you will just select for more variants . To end the pandemic you have to stop vaccinating. The absence of spike specific antibody is a good thing to end the pandemic! I hope this helps.

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I.e. also BOSSCHES Geerts observation & believe - right. But mine too but I am just an engineer and former chemicsl eng. .....so what do I know :-)

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Interesting that this work was recently extended in Portugal with a different outcome vis a vis the results of hybrid immunity if the infection with Omicron BA1/2 was couple with triple dose vaccination facing BA4/5 re-infection. Perhaps we will learn more when we see if BA2.75 expands significantly from India?

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Really appreciate your input Jan.

Thank you.

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The fact that these vaccines have declining efficacy while boosting our immune system shows us logically that they are in reality compromising the very effectiveness of the immune system they are supposedly boosting. For if they were actually boosting us in the longer run. They would have the opposite effect. Increasing the time slots between shots. Not shortening them to zero. Eventually.

These vaccines should by boosting our immune system be strengthening our system to the point they are no longer needed with any frequency. As it is with raising one’s vitamin deficiency to the point that just the regular intake of a healthy diet is all that one would need. To stabilize at a new and stronger not weaker equilibrium.

We have inverted the paradigm. Shorter term gain. For longer term pain. It’s immediate gratification all over again. Which means we have indeed shot ourselves in the foot. For we are heading into negative territory. Where the marginal return on getting an additional shot goes into negative territory. Well beyond zero. Which leaves one at a increased not decreased risk of succumbing to the virus. In ways we have not yet seen. For we have charted a course into foreign territory. One never seen before in any vaccine used. Not as a way of conferring immunity. But as a temporary treatment. As in a drug therapy. That temporarily boosts one’s immune system to treat a particular virus. With increasingly negative returns. As opposed to a neutralizing serum that stops transmissions and prevents reinfections.

Who were the double blind geniuses who thought this one up. Will it be the third or fourth or fifth shot that will land us in such negative and uncharted territory. Nobody knows. For this is when we will learn to have more common sense. And to get out of our academic heads for a change.

First thing to do. Is remove the label vaccine from all previous Covid 19 products. Label them what they are. Shots that temporarily will boost one’s immune system. With declining efficacy. But which cannot and does confer any viral immunity. And does not by design create herd immunity. So take it on faith. That they will leave you better off. Than you were before.

That’s what a free market capitalist would do. Say it as it is. And let people decide for themselves.

An update. Consider this post the logical correlate to the emerging phenomenon called VAIDS. Vaccine Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. See Merogenomics for a greater exposition on the data that is currently emerging.

The Trusted News Initiative be damned. For misleading the public for so long. And I say that as someone who has two Pfizer shots flowing inside of me. And now I wish I had zero. For as a gay man of 58 I have spent most of my adult life. Studiously avoiding contracting HIV and coming down with AIDS. Only to have my own government in Canada insist that I inject something that may in the end do the same thing to me. And all in the name of advancing my health.

Someone needs to be held accountable. So that this sort of thing does not occur again. Or else it will. Negative vaccine effectiveness is a new term that we have not used before. But if I am right. And I strongly believe I am. It will become rather popular. Thanks to Covid. And our governments’ less than wise response to this so far less than catastrophic pandemic. But that may now change. Thanks to these vaccines. And Big Pharma. And our public health agencies. And us for buying into this nonsense.

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Omicron BA.1 has generated trained (innate) immunity needed to end the pandemic and by doing so has decreased or tolerized against spike specific antibodies. The loss of antibodies is a good thing (no more ADE and selection for variants, and with the next exposure, hopefully herd immunity (reduced not increased transmission rates). [See Supp Table 5a in Tartof Sy et al, Lancet Oct 2021 for evidence of 100% VE against symptomatic infection for the first 6 days after the 2nd dose (ie., boosted trained innate immunity).] Viola... the pandemic has ended! If instead you want the pandemic to continue and/or get worse, keep boosting or better yet, use an omicron spike specific mRNA vaccine.

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The effect of BNT162b2 vaccination on innate immune responses may also indicate a potential to interfere with the responses to other vaccinations, as known for other vaccines to be as ‘vaccine interference’ (Lum et al2010; Nolan et al., 2008; Vajo, Tamas, Sinka, & 211 Jankovics

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Know of a 30 year old male, died after 4th jab, buried today. Nothing prior. You won't read that in the Courier Mail

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Please see https://hervk102.substack.com/p/evidence-that-mrna-covid-19-vaccines

for full description and download of powerpoint. PART I

Dr. McMillan has tackled one of the most important issues in the pandemic. It appears that a Wuhan exposure followed by 3 sets of vaccines tolerizes against making antibodies and T cells to Omicron infection while vaccination of the naive and Omicron infection resulted in enhanced adaptive immunity to the earlier variants but less so to omicron (imprinting). The question is is this protective or not such as against death. In a paper I just submitted a few days ago, a candidate immune correlate of protection was identified as HERV-K102 mediated trained (innate) immunity which works best in the absence of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) . This is analogous to the HIV-1 exposed seronegative (HESN) cohorts which are resistant to HIV-1 acquisition. I will try to post the image in part 2.

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Thanks for sharing this immune data

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Thank you for a solid review of this article. It contains vitally important evidence that repeated mRNA Covid vaccination causes a reduction in immune system effectiveness. Do you think that the pushers of these vaccines who are reportedly immunology and virology experts had no idea that this was a likely outcome?

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Thank you.

It was one of my most critical observations at this stage of the pandemic.

Suspect enough thought was not put in the science around COVID-19 and vaccines.

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My mother in laws funeral turned into a superspreader event amongst the jabbed.

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A pandemic of the vaxxed?

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You can just see them pitching a hissy fit if we started shouting to lock them down and refuse them treatment, like they were so enthusiastic about doing to others, shame on them all with their disgusting behaviour.

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The mucosal immune system of the intestinal tract faces the challenge of co-existing with a diverse and dynamic community of microbes while remaining poised to protect and defend against invasive pathogens. This microbiota is an active participant in host metabolism.

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My daughter was one of six hospitalized patients on the rehab wing who last week mysteriously came down with Omicron Covid in a hospital where all the staff have to be vaccinated. They fired the staff who passed on taking the vax. Our other local hospital in this highly vaxed state is full of Covid cases and there is not a peep in the news about it. Hush!!!

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There were cases of people on fully-jabbed cruises where there were outbreaks.

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Thank You Dr. McMillan for keeping us all up to date .

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Very technical info - I’m a bit confused. Are non-shot people in good standing or are their immune systems compromised due to “leaking” shot-takers? / Are non-shot, Cv (or off-shoot)-recovered people in good standing or have their immune systems likewise been diminished in our “leaking” environment?

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The currently observed growth advantage for BA.4 and BA.5 is likely due to their ability to evade immune protection induced by prior infection and/or vaccination, particularly if this has waned over time.

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The sub-optimal immune pressure against the infectious pressure will and is driving selection pressure to select for fitter variants that could overcome this sub-optimal immune pressure. Variant after variant will thus emerge every few months.

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