The problem is media promulgate the views of vaccinologists like the loathsome Peter Hotezl. Until this shifts, Geert's warnings gets sidelined. They won't be connecting any dots. They just trotted out quacks (some say CIA assets and crisis actor) like Leanna Wen on U.S. mainstream networks to promote vaccines as well as Scarf Lady Deborah Birx. Rinse and Repeat something, something.
Thank you, Dr. McMillan, for this great interview. I hope everyone will share it on social media and request whichever medical professionals you trust the most - as well as others - to please watch and comment.
remember Dr McMillan’s words “you won't find what your not looking for” I work for a hospital in admissions area and we have had a surge of non respiratory admissions…for example pulmonary embolisms in three patients in under week ..and they happen to also test positive for covid ..Geert will be right on the infectious of virus and immune escape…Dr McMillan and others might be more right of how if virus gets past mucousal passages….how it might effect the body once hits bloodstream…I.and alot of doctors are not testing for covid if no respiratory symptoms so this is a HUGE problem
This is definitely an area to be looking out on. From my understanding in all this, GVB and Dr McM are hypothesising that Sars CoV-2 is becoming a chronic condition in those that don't shake an infection off via mucosal immunity and whose antibodies are not able to neutralise the virus. Plus it 'hides' increasingly well too e.g. increased ability again to fuse cells (syncytia) to avoid detection.
How ever we do see that most vaccinated people are getting sick again and again… it hasn’t ended and has made a new path for some of mankind that we can’t ignore. It’s good some people are paying attention to it, without Geert Vandenbosche we would just be calling it a cold … it’s more than that!
Yes, medical science is infinitely complex, but some analyses are certainly better than others and Dr. Vanden Bossche sounds much more credible to me than anyone else I have heard.
Is it better to use 'clickbait'y headlines like 'Geert's SHOCKING 2025 Predictions Revealed?' in the hope of a few more eyeballs or would it be better to dial this down and get a little more factual? Funnily enough there wasn't much of a shock here - it does appear Geert has dialled his 'mass death suddenly' to more of a 'rising tide of morbidity and mortality', which is something that will be much harder to spot in the general downslope of this industrial age. He's still hard to understand though as much of the discussion is pretty 'technical' - I did like your earlier video attempts to simplify and explain his reasoning Dr Phil!
He hasn't completely let go of the idea of a tsunami of more virulent infections though. Just doesn't know when and doesn't think we can predict this. Hmmm...
Dr Phillip I am really interested in your back ground . Were you born in the west indies( Jamaica or where?) did you grow up there as well as go to university there? Was your father or grandfather a prominent member of this area?
Yes but is that even close to what he was originally predicting? 1 minute to midnight, overwhelmed healthcare, mayhem. He shifted this date many times and as far as I heard, never apologized for being wrong.
The only part he has been off on has been time line. But predictions? All have come to pass except the final curtain that will restore equilibrium. He gave an honest answer to the timeline part. Time will tell and for the ones unvaccinated it appears just we heat ride this out with exposure. As for the vaxed,it was interesting to hear possibility of the Innate immune system being able to kick back?
He was asked about his last move and not the other many times he moved the goalposts. He freaked out many people and never came clean about it. He admitted he was wrong a few times and then put all his content behind a paywall.
The big problem is Prophylaxis is a market for nearly anyone which Big Pharma is exploiting. According to Dr Yeadon, pandemics do not exist because they are not viable and I agree with him. He also questions the existence of viruses - Dr Vejon, can you do an interview with Dr Yeadon so that we can get a different point of view.
Indeed that would be interesting. I don't buy the "no virus(es)" narrative, but stunningly enough, none of the so-called flu pandemics of the last 100 years caused a noticeable spike in excess mortality. Neither did covid initially: There is ample evidence that The Virus has been spreading around the globe since late summer 2019 without causing any significant disruptions. That suddenly changed shortly after The Pandemic was declared. Strange, isn't it.
Already two years you asking for correct data. Do you believe still in this nonsens of vaccins? We've been discussing this for 2 years now. Never before has so much been written about a single vaccine technology. Scandal after scandal, false studies, forced vaccinations etc. This is a crime against humanity. With the technology of the past, they could have had a well-functioning vaccine a long time ago. Why should everyone get injected with mRNA technology? Winfried Stöcker, a laboratory doctor from Groß Grönau near Lübeck wrote in early April 2021, I am convinced that I have found the solution to our currently biggest problem. He says he has developed the "best vaccine" against Covid-19. He had already tested it on himself in May 2020 and is now immune to Corona. As did his family and associates, to whom he also gave the vaccine. Everyone is now protected against Corona, there are no side effects. Best of all, protein vaccines can be produced in such large quantities in a short period of time that there would be sufficient doses for everyone. No complicated cold chain like with Biontech, no delivery problems like with AstraZeneca. Instead, cheaper, faster and safer vaccination protection for everyone. His recipe was allowed to be copied worldwide for FREE and for NOTHING and is without PATENT. They are going to prosecute him under pressure from BIG PHARMA and POLITICIANS.
For the overwhelming majority of healthy people, Covid-19 wasnt a risk for serious disease and they would have been better off catching it and becoming immune the old fashioned way, so we would have had herd immunity.
However, i am curious about this Winfried Stöcker. Do you have a link for his research and recipe?
Let's hear more about "haplotype restricted" (at exactly 50:00) can we? Is there a chance that whatever the dangerous aspect of covid or the vaxx really is, it is actually "haplotype-targeted"?
is based on a trivial recombinant antigen that is easy and inexpensive to produce in a test tube. It induces high levels of virus-neutralizing antibodies in 97% of vaccinees and has not produced any significant side effects in the first 100 patients.
Externally supplied recombinant antigens, such as those used here, have long proven their worth, for example in the vaccination against hepatitis A and B, the vaccination is almost risk-free. It is vaccinated with a peptide that has already been synthesized, there is no risk of infection as with microencapsulated RNA, weakened or killed viruses or vector viruses. Since the production of the vaccine antigen takes place outside the body, there is no need to be afraid of an uncontrolled spread of genetic information introduced into the human organism.
The Lübeck anti-Covid-19 vaccination hardly causes any allergic reactions, not at all to polyethylene glycol, which is used by the Biontech company to microencapsulate the mRNA, and in contrast to the vaccinations already approved in Germany, over a hundred of all vaccinated people no one called in sick, but continued to work uninterrupted. Any doctor can legally administer the vaccine in his office.
Three doses of 15 micrograms of recombinant RBD (receptor-binding domain, Arg319-Phe541) of the spike protein S1 subunit are vaccinated per person. Alhydrogel from InvivoGen serves as an adjuvant. The vaccine can easily be produced in large quantities. Excellent for mass vaccinations. A single 2000 liter reactor can produce 35 g of antigen per day, which would be enough for 1 million people. Using a high-density culture system, you can create five times the amount. Within a quarter of a year, vaccines for 80% of the population of Germany could be produced in a medium-sized laboratory.
The vaccine is shipped freeze-dried at room temperature and stored in the doctor's office in a refrigerator at 4°C. In contrast to vaccines based on m-RNA, the Lübeck antigen does not have to be continuously deep-frozen.
No vaccine against a coronavirus has ever worked, because the virus mutates too fast. An incomplete vaccine with the design you are describing is similar to Novavax and other products, and allows the virus to escape by changing its S1 RBD details. This is exactly what happened - Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omicron, etc were the result. Glad someone thought to work with safer technologies though.
Public officials should have concentrated on ensuring the public's innate immunity and following plans like the Great Barrington Declaration.
The problem is media promulgate the views of vaccinologists like the loathsome Peter Hotezl. Until this shifts, Geert's warnings gets sidelined. They won't be connecting any dots. They just trotted out quacks (some say CIA assets and crisis actor) like Leanna Wen on U.S. mainstream networks to promote vaccines as well as Scarf Lady Deborah Birx. Rinse and Repeat something, something.
Thank you, Dr. McMillan, for this great interview. I hope everyone will share it on social media and request whichever medical professionals you trust the most - as well as others - to please watch and comment.
remember Dr McMillan’s words “you won't find what your not looking for” I work for a hospital in admissions area and we have had a surge of non respiratory admissions…for example pulmonary embolisms in three patients in under week ..and they happen to also test positive for covid ..Geert will be right on the infectious of virus and immune escape…Dr McMillan and others might be more right of how if virus gets past mucousal passages….how it might effect the body once hits bloodstream…I.and alot of doctors are not testing for covid if no respiratory symptoms so this is a HUGE problem
This is definitely an area to be looking out on. From my understanding in all this, GVB and Dr McM are hypothesising that Sars CoV-2 is becoming a chronic condition in those that don't shake an infection off via mucosal immunity and whose antibodies are not able to neutralise the virus. Plus it 'hides' increasingly well too e.g. increased ability again to fuse cells (syncytia) to avoid detection.
Dr McMillan have you seen literature about Vexas syndrome? A new autoimmune syndrome with occurrence rates of 1:4000 since 2020.
Looking into it.
Thank you.
Common sense and science has to reign. People before Money / Profit.
How will it ever happen when regular people just go along with what the government and media and corporations are telling them?
Time and time again we see models, even from experts, don't work. Too many variables, too many possible outcomes.
How ever we do see that most vaccinated people are getting sick again and again… it hasn’t ended and has made a new path for some of mankind that we can’t ignore. It’s good some people are paying attention to it, without Geert Vandenbosche we would just be calling it a cold … it’s more than that!
There are many, many well qualified authors who can write freely on Substack on these matters of whom GWB is one 🙂
Please who are the others? Thanks
Yes, medical science is infinitely complex, but some analyses are certainly better than others and Dr. Vanden Bossche sounds much more credible to me than anyone else I have heard.
Thank You Dr McMillan for your concise outline of Geert's current thinking.
Here's a question.
Is it better to use 'clickbait'y headlines like 'Geert's SHOCKING 2025 Predictions Revealed?' in the hope of a few more eyeballs or would it be better to dial this down and get a little more factual? Funnily enough there wasn't much of a shock here - it does appear Geert has dialled his 'mass death suddenly' to more of a 'rising tide of morbidity and mortality', which is something that will be much harder to spot in the general downslope of this industrial age. He's still hard to understand though as much of the discussion is pretty 'technical' - I did like your earlier video attempts to simplify and explain his reasoning Dr Phil!
He hasn't completely let go of the idea of a tsunami of more virulent infections though. Just doesn't know when and doesn't think we can predict this. Hmmm...
Dr Phillip I am really interested in your back ground . Were you born in the west indies( Jamaica or where?) did you grow up there as well as go to university there? Was your father or grandfather a prominent member of this area?
J Down.
Clarendon College - Father was principal.
Munro College
Geert has been predicting doom around the corner for years now
Yes, and our excess deaths are still climbing, so something is killing us!
Yes but is that even close to what he was originally predicting? 1 minute to midnight, overwhelmed healthcare, mayhem. He shifted this date many times and as far as I heard, never apologized for being wrong.
Yes, but he has attenuated his fears. So, Mercuriell is probably right: nature is too complex to predict its evolution.
The only part he has been off on has been time line. But predictions? All have come to pass except the final curtain that will restore equilibrium. He gave an honest answer to the timeline part. Time will tell and for the ones unvaccinated it appears just we heat ride this out with exposure. As for the vaxed,it was interesting to hear possibility of the Innate immune system being able to kick back?
yes Dr.McMillan asked him about this during the video. did you watch for the answer?
He was asked about his last move and not the other many times he moved the goalposts. He freaked out many people and never came clean about it. He admitted he was wrong a few times and then put all his content behind a paywall.
The big problem is Prophylaxis is a market for nearly anyone which Big Pharma is exploiting. According to Dr Yeadon, pandemics do not exist because they are not viable and I agree with him. He also questions the existence of viruses - Dr Vejon, can you do an interview with Dr Yeadon so that we can get a different point of view.
Interesting point.
Not sure why he would think viruses do not exist.
That is why I would love you to interview Dr Mike Yeadon who has as many qualifications as Dr Geert vanden Bosch.
Indeed that would be interesting. I don't buy the "no virus(es)" narrative, but stunningly enough, none of the so-called flu pandemics of the last 100 years caused a noticeable spike in excess mortality. Neither did covid initially: There is ample evidence that The Virus has been spreading around the globe since late summer 2019 without causing any significant disruptions. That suddenly changed shortly after The Pandemic was declared. Strange, isn't it.
This is all by design.... incompency can only cover so much ground before you get to the curtain and find the WIZARD OF DEPOPULATION.
Already two years you asking for correct data. Do you believe still in this nonsens of vaccins? We've been discussing this for 2 years now. Never before has so much been written about a single vaccine technology. Scandal after scandal, false studies, forced vaccinations etc. This is a crime against humanity. With the technology of the past, they could have had a well-functioning vaccine a long time ago. Why should everyone get injected with mRNA technology? Winfried Stöcker, a laboratory doctor from Groß Grönau near Lübeck wrote in early April 2021, I am convinced that I have found the solution to our currently biggest problem. He says he has developed the "best vaccine" against Covid-19. He had already tested it on himself in May 2020 and is now immune to Corona. As did his family and associates, to whom he also gave the vaccine. Everyone is now protected against Corona, there are no side effects. Best of all, protein vaccines can be produced in such large quantities in a short period of time that there would be sufficient doses for everyone. No complicated cold chain like with Biontech, no delivery problems like with AstraZeneca. Instead, cheaper, faster and safer vaccination protection for everyone. His recipe was allowed to be copied worldwide for FREE and for NOTHING and is without PATENT. They are going to prosecute him under pressure from BIG PHARMA and POLITICIANS.
For the overwhelming majority of healthy people, Covid-19 wasnt a risk for serious disease and they would have been better off catching it and becoming immune the old fashioned way, so we would have had herd immunity.
However, i am curious about this Winfried Stöcker. Do you have a link for his research and recipe?
Vaccines are a SCAM.
Let's hear more about "haplotype restricted" (at exactly 50:00) can we? Is there a chance that whatever the dangerous aspect of covid or the vaxx really is, it is actually "haplotype-targeted"?
The Lübeck anti-Covid-19 vaccination
is based on a trivial recombinant antigen that is easy and inexpensive to produce in a test tube. It induces high levels of virus-neutralizing antibodies in 97% of vaccinees and has not produced any significant side effects in the first 100 patients.
Externally supplied recombinant antigens, such as those used here, have long proven their worth, for example in the vaccination against hepatitis A and B, the vaccination is almost risk-free. It is vaccinated with a peptide that has already been synthesized, there is no risk of infection as with microencapsulated RNA, weakened or killed viruses or vector viruses. Since the production of the vaccine antigen takes place outside the body, there is no need to be afraid of an uncontrolled spread of genetic information introduced into the human organism.
The Lübeck anti-Covid-19 vaccination hardly causes any allergic reactions, not at all to polyethylene glycol, which is used by the Biontech company to microencapsulate the mRNA, and in contrast to the vaccinations already approved in Germany, over a hundred of all vaccinated people no one called in sick, but continued to work uninterrupted. Any doctor can legally administer the vaccine in his office.
Three doses of 15 micrograms of recombinant RBD (receptor-binding domain, Arg319-Phe541) of the spike protein S1 subunit are vaccinated per person. Alhydrogel from InvivoGen serves as an adjuvant. The vaccine can easily be produced in large quantities. Excellent for mass vaccinations. A single 2000 liter reactor can produce 35 g of antigen per day, which would be enough for 1 million people. Using a high-density culture system, you can create five times the amount. Within a quarter of a year, vaccines for 80% of the population of Germany could be produced in a medium-sized laboratory.
The vaccine is shipped freeze-dried at room temperature and stored in the doctor's office in a refrigerator at 4°C. In contrast to vaccines based on m-RNA, the Lübeck antigen does not have to be continuously deep-frozen.
No vaccine against a coronavirus has ever worked, because the virus mutates too fast. An incomplete vaccine with the design you are describing is similar to Novavax and other products, and allows the virus to escape by changing its S1 RBD details. This is exactly what happened - Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omicron, etc were the result. Glad someone thought to work with safer technologies though.
Public officials should have concentrated on ensuring the public's innate immunity and following plans like the Great Barrington Declaration.