Feb 14, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

This is good Robert. Hopefully they learn something. They are tracking us all anyway and have been for a long, long time. Huge server farms guarded by the military. They have sufficient information on us all to fill many libraries. Whenever they wish to use it against us they will. Being unvaccinated simply increases an individual’s temporary ability to stay alive. Fear is their objective. No Fear!

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How is this surveillance occurring without the consent of the people?

What has happened to medical privacy?

Why is the medical ‘profession’ cooperating with unethical practices and betraying the people’s trust?

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

One day our unvaccinated blood will be more expensive than gold

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

I expect we will have similar here in Canada. While no one has been discussing codes, there has been so much suppression of any doctor questioning the narrative for COVID vaxxing, and so big a push by authorities to have MDs push it at all patients, and "counsel" people resisting--up to recommending drugs to "treat" their resistance!--that I will not be surprised if the same methods are in play here.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Well, if we want scientists to use unvaccinated controls in their clinical trials...If we want to know the difference in outcomes from COVID infection between vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated, we have to be able to reliably track who is vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and boosted. For example, I'm partially vaccinated with several co-morbidities. However, my reaction to the first dose (which lasted 8 weeks) stopped me from getting any further jabs. A

s someone who worked as molecular biologist and has a Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology, I always had my doubts. Initially this was because we were trying too many "new" things all at the same time and biological systems are too complex for nothing to go wrong. My need to live in a hotel (very public) after hurricane Ida combined with my co-morbidities, is what prompted me to get the first jab.

But the point is that unless you can track who has been vaccinated, with what vaccine, the number and type of boosters etc. no one can reliably evaluate vaccine efficacy, side effects, and damage.

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Shocking 😢

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The worry, concern, fear, anxiety, stress to so many people. Could have been easily & simply explained if the medical tracking system had been open & in plain sight for all to see & know.

The lack of information regarding the tracking codes, is the cause of the current freak out.

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Whoa! What a knee- jerk reaction ! The coding applies equally to the vaccinated as well, who obviously don’t need reminders to get up to date! Talk about poking the bear - such centralised databases of vaccination uptake are well known and accepted practice in many other nations, so why the angst in your eyes? Australia took the step of adding all doses of all vaccines for everyone, instead of just children, before the pandemic, as a sound public health measure. Seems your conspiracy theory antennae need down-tuning! UK, most if not all of Europe, and Scandinavia have such systems without their citizens feeling threatened - seems Americans are way too self-centred for the good of the community, including their children!

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