Is the sky blue? Is the Pope Catholic?

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No this Pope is NOT Catholic .he is a globalist Marxist.

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The silver lining….. GOD WILL NOT PARDON HIM!!


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These pardons for what crimes may have committed during the last 10 years cannot be allowed. People complained when President Ford pardoned Nixon without being charged, but Watergate was at least an ongoing criminal investigation. There is no admission of guilt here and I still hear radio commercials to get your latest covid vaccine booster. I'm tired of "mistakes were made" and "avoid it the next time" because it will happen again unless the perpetrators are sent to Guantanimo and held for Nuremberg 2.0 trials.

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Innocent people don’t need pardons only the guilty do.

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Yes, he is guilty AFF and has been killing millions since the 1980's and personally profiting from it.

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It is historical for any president to preemptively pardon anyone. It does cast doubt upon the nature of what is known or unknown. I do think that the list of thoughts we should advocate for are needed. Especially when our agencies of public service are so overtly politicalized. CDC and other similar institutes should be about the ethics of science and Americans should expect all science to have integrity. Albeit historically we know we do fail, just check our annual records of cases found to be guilty of fraud, fabrication, and misappropriation.

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The book “The real Anthony Fauci” is a must read!

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First you create the disease in a lab then you experiment on children in five or six states and then you contract for useless drugs like AZT. You make money all around and collect the largest salary of any Federal employee. Then you manage to get a pre emptive pardon all because you work for the DOD !




Wow what a business plan !!!! (sarc)

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Amen to transparency, accountability and critical thinking. Should be taught to kids in school by adults possessing those traits. The entire world needs to dig out of a massive hole to regain freedom.

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A grubby criminally corrupt President giving pardons to dozens of grubby criminally corrupt sociopaths. However Fauci has committed crimes against humanity which is covered by a the International Nuremberg Treaty. Grubby Biden's pardon of Fauci should not protect this mass murdering monster. I very much doubt the vile creature will risk travelling overseas where any country which is signatory to this code should string him up on the gallows or any door handle, CIA style.

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There is no such thing as the International Nuremberg Treaty. The articles of the Nuremberg Code are ethical guidelines but they're not legally binding.

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One of the most emotionally disturbing accusations against Fauci for me is "beaglegate". This was the medical research approved by Fauci which required beagles to be bitten to death by fleas with their vocal cords severed to spare the researchers from listening to the misery of the dogs. I don't necessarily fault Fauci personally, but the culture of science needs to be examined. Are some of these researchers sadists or sociopaths? Was there no more humane way to answer their scientific questions? ... Worst of all, how much difference is there between a beagle and a human in the eyes of these researchers? I know there are a lot of animals killed in medical research, but we need to feel remorse about that. We should never be cavalier, and we should try to minimize it. Of course I realize that funding the gain-of-function research at Wuhan was worse in practical terms than "beaglegate", but I think it all comes from these scientists feeling that they are superior and unaccountable to ordinary people and their common sense concerns.

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No the poor foster children in NY who were experimented on by Fauci and their grave in Gate of Heaven Cemetery in NY where my friend's policeman nephew went to look and lifted the corner of the pit covered with astro turf to see a hodge podge of little coffins scattered

around in the hole.

Fauci committed these horrors in other states and in the Dominican Republic because foster children are wards of the state and he, under the DOD, represented the state as the highest paid Federal employee ever.

This man has no soul.


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Sorry to be a pain but it’s actually pronounced FOW-CHI

That aside two things come to mind, apart from the guilty or not guilty question.

1) I’m not sure all those 1000’s of people who have been injured or bereaved across the world will be happy about that.

2) The man has lied through his teeth to congress, and this makes a total mockery of the judicial system and proves that justice in the US is a partisan issue. It should never be!

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Anyone who’s read The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK jr will know that this man is a despicable narcissistic character with zero respect for his fellow human beings.

It’s one of the most well researched and cited pieces of work in recent political history. Well worth the read!

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Its not a human being it's just one more grubby demon, given power by the genocidal Billionaire/Trillionaire Globalist parasite caste.

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He murdered thousands long before the Covid19 Coup D'état, via the AIDS HIV fraud

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Yes 100% true!

He should be in jail,

no question!

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Absolutely 💯 guilty! Aids ans c19!

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Pardon?! 🤬

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Now that he has a pardon that covers his whole time from 2014 to now, perhaps he will be willing to provide the missing details needed to resolve this, and confirm what many have already figured out.

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NIH gain of function of cold virus . Brought to NYC bio lab to China gain of function brought in person to Wong Wong lab. Photos were put out from the Wollongong lab with Fauci, Gates and Obama standing in the Wollongong lab. The gentleman from Taiwan was murdered and his organs harvested for the black market after he released. The photos is my understanding from the information I got from lab Leakers

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