Fauci and the MSM are pathological liars

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David - is it possible they are fabricating this story to fear monger so that people will hide indoors from mosquitos? Next we will hear about a vaccine for West Nile virus.

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HI Laura, yes they are fearmongering for the next pandemic and new vaccine rollout. I don't believe Fauci has WNV or took any of the covid vaccines or boosters. I think the premise is totally false for this post.

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They seem to want to keep the barnyard animals in a constant state of fear


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I wouldn't put it past 'em.

But I will say, I have friend who contracted West Nile virus in DC about 10-15 years ago. It was bad.

That said, I myself wouldn't touch any injections recommended by the government for anything at this point. The few people I know who did not take the covid jabs are all doing well. The ones who took several injections, some are doing well, too, but a number of them are dead now or in very poor shape.

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"... I myself wouldn't touch any injections recommended by the government for anything at this point. ..."

I will not allow so much as a swab inside my nostrils, because a new bioweapon could be on that little swab. The horrible truth is we just don't know what is contained in the swabs. Not really. The authorities destroyed whatever trust I had left in the medical profession and "public health," a term I feel compelled to place in quotation marks, LOL I, for one, will never trust them ever again, unless heaven forbid, I am injured in an auto accident. Then there's really no choice in the matter.

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I had a strong intuition about those nose swabs, and so never got near them. In 2019 suspecting the swabs (or any other medical testing equipment) would have sounded crazy-paranoid to me, but not to me now, not in light of all the things that been coming out about this whole crazy show over the past 4 years.

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I agree that nasal swabs are best avoided - and anything else we are not sure about. I will come out of the closet to say that I have looked at disease for about the last 30 years through the eyes of a homeopath. A quote from the founding homeopath (Hahnemann) that has often come to my mind is a comment he once made to a patient about 200 years ago: “Sir, the name of your disease is of no interest to me and the name of my medicine is of no interest to you”. In this modern day, we certainly DO need to know the name of the disease - but we also need to know the ‘triggering factors’ and the symptoms that are generated by the ‘triggering factor’. All of Dr. McMillian's podcasts are ‘music to my ears’ because I also come from a nursing background. My comments not intended to be a ‘plug’ for homeopathy (which is quite another subject). I would just like to express my sincere admiration for Dr. McMillian for his wisdom and intelligence that sees the ‘whole picture’.

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Thanks for this thoughtful comment, and just to say, I too sincerely admire Dr. McMillian.

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He’s probably going to fake his own death, so he’s not prosecuted for crimes against humanity…….

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Sadly, we cannot trust anything coming from the federal government

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Aug 29Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

@philipmcmillan - have you done any research on PEG-lated lipid nano-particles / hydrogel and long term effects on the body? PEG is listed as a vaccine ingredient. It's highly allergic and if it persists in the body, that could explain why IgG4 remain elevated in the vaccinated. Allergic reaction = "long covid" in the vaccinated.

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Not specifically but listened to Christie share valuable information.

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Thanks for your response. I was also wondering if the mysterious white clots were forming in the people who received boosters- the clots develop as more PEG gets into the body. People who did not get the boosters would still be getting sick / having an allergic reaction but not getting enough PEG to form clots.

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I think he needs another booster!

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Why "effects of COVID"? Effects of getting jabbed and destroying your immune system, yes.

And how that poor mosquito suffered getting that poisoned Fauci blood.

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I do not believe anyone of them got hospitalized for covid or nile virus or any other BS virus. It is to do with scaring people to take vaccines, any vaccines, this time let's take nile virus vaccine :D

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The world is a stage


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Or maybe he was not hospitalized and this is - like just about everything... FAKE.

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He home because he took Ivermectin!

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It infected fauci cuz he’s directly involved with the manufacturing of these viruses. I’m disappointed that he survived. He should have been given the hospital protocols for Covid-19 that were forced on my brother without his consent, killing him & leaving his 3 children without a father. I have ZERO sympathy for anyone that pushed these horrific treatments on everyone. Maybe next time he won’t be so lucky.

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We speak his name as "Pha" ( as in "pha-rynx"), then -"ou" or "u" (as in: u-ber) then-"chi" (as in "chi-ckpea")..😅😅 what a pity poor dear dr fauci..he could go for a walk to the wildside...to be in company with all the others he delibarately and 'well intented' sent there!

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To Dr McMillan - I hope you’re proud of yourself! How dare you make use of the spread of WNV, a very dangerous zoonotic virus now spreading its range across more of our continental landmasses and into the garden of Dr Fauci’s own home, to release the storm of vitriolic garbage written by those who’ve commented below. Shame on you sir - when you should be questioning the changing climatic conditions that now increase this risk to many more people. In addition, the ONLY evidence of immune suppression comes from infection, NOT from vaccines of any sort. Had you had adequate expertise in virology, immunology and vaccinology, rather than cardiology, you may not have been so rash. But then your opinions on the efficacy and safety of the newer mRNA vaccines are now legend, and one should no longer be surprised at any and all attempts you might make to further discredit them and the public health initiatives that have protected so many for so long. I have held off paying a subscription to your substack, and now am glad I didn’t waste my money.

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Glad you are here Jan.

It is a more open environment to share ideas.

My link to WNV was the severity of disease in Fauci. Highlighting the point that a recent infection with Covid can suppress the innate immune response and increase the risk of severe disease.

It is not hypothetical as I have witnessed similar patterns myself.

Defending the sanctity to vaccines is not my forte as my responsibility is to challenge and make sure it is not causing any harm.

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I’m not into the “sanctity” of anything, not even vaccines, but when someone of your intelligence refuses to acknowledge the level of both safety and efficacy achieved by the mRNA vaccines, and continues to use blaring headlines to undermine them, and the public health messages needed to increase vaccine uptake and thus diminish the pool of people carelessly spreading the virus and giving it extra opportunities to mutate, I have to wonder at the ethics you claim to uphold. As to ensuring the vaccines do no harm - you know full well that is a scientific impossibility, and what you should be concentrating on is the positive risk-benefit equation readily in evidence for those willing to see it. Even the French have just done that - and it’s high time you did too.

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My position is the same in 2020 as it is now Jan.

The spike protein triggers autoimmune responses by binding to normal proteins including, ACE2, neuropilin-1, CD147, DC-Sign ..., and the list goes on.

If that same protein is replicated in the form of a vaccine, the chance of the same process is extremely high.

Yes, I am sure harm is being done, especially in the low risk cohorts.

Without acknowledgement, there is no opportunity for mitigation.

My responsibility is to keep that autoimmune point front and centre.

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Yes, the full viral spike DOES trigger an auto-immune response - but where is your proof that the segment used in the vaccines, modified as it is, has the same potential as that seen in infection? The dose difference is so great too, so I remind you that “the dose makes the poison”! You have now had almost 3 years to provide evidence of the level of harm you claim, while the evidence for harm from infection in your “less vulnerable” continues to mount.

I accept that we should have better designed, possibly intra-nasal boosters by now, but that isn’t really the problem that your position takes. I see that as one where, without reproducibility, your opinions have contributed to the anti-vax messaging, and the much broader problem of loss of support for vaccines in general, because you have conducted these arguments in the public domain where, I’m sorry to say, there is a dangerous inadequacy of literacy in the arena. Perhaps fighting to correct that would be a more useful and less dangerous option, given that even the WHO has recognised the dangers that arise in the anti-vaccine rhetoric and the low health science literacy?

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I am not sure what the 'changing climatic conditions' have to do with this discussion?? - but there are many people (including myself) who think climate-fear-mongering is a hoax and you might be struggling to scare readers on this chatline about anything you care to name. It is very good indeed that you didn't waste your money subscribing.

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Jan, can't you afford a subscription based on your grant from Pfizer?

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As for blaming “climate change” for West Nile Virus, Washington DC (where Dr Fauci presumably lives) was at one time a mosquito infested swamp and residents regularly contracted malaria and yellow fever until the 20th century. Even today, there are still occasional cases in DC.

Malaria and Yellow Fever are mosquito borne, just like West Nile Virus.

The first recorded cases of West Nile Virus were in NYC in 1999. It supposedly came from Egypt and has been spread by mosquitoes across the US since its arrival.

Mosquito borne diseases have always existed around here (at least throughout recorded history), and so-called “climate change” has nothing to do with it.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28

Viral sepsis sounds like viremia, but SARS CoV-2 does not have a viremia.

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This is just crazy. Unfollowing

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What is crazy? Bioweapon #1 and its toxic spike protein, or bioweapon #2 with much more spike including other garbage like LNPs, contaminants, and endotoxins? Unfollowing is not advisable, we need to keep ego and fear on the side and stay abreast of all facts and information, however crazy they may appear. One piece of info can save a loved one's life.

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Please do and oh & don't forget to go get your 15th booster... lol

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LeslieS It's going to be a hard winter, but at least you're unsubbed, eh?

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