Censored! - Unleashed on Covid with Dr Shankara Chetty
Watch now (72 min) | Full review of science across the COVID-19 pandemic. Stopped on YouTube within 48 hours. No wonder this information is not available to the general public. Speaking with Dr Shankara Chetty (South Africa) after his debut on GB News (UK) with over 400,000 views on Twitter…
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2 years ago · 65 likes · 17 comments · Dr Philip McMillan
This is so disturbing. What has 'medicine' become when saving patients' lives is worth nothing. Zero. All that a doctor must do is tick boxes. Forget about healing, forget about lives, it's ticking the boxes you've been told to tick, or else!
How can we support Dr Chetty against this tyranny?
I am shocked! How can we help Dr. Shankara Chetty? As a medicine I am very thankful for his findings and great ideas of treatment. What is going on?