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This is so disturbing. What has 'medicine' become when saving patients' lives is worth nothing. Zero. All that a doctor must do is tick boxes. Forget about healing, forget about lives, it's ticking the boxes you've been told to tick, or else!

How can we support Dr Chetty against this tyranny?

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Please raise awareness.

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I am shocked! How can we help Dr. Shankara Chetty? As a medicine I am very thankful for his findings and great ideas of treatment. What is going on?

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It seems all doctors seeking answers may become a target.

The future is bleak.

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The system is designed to protect the system, not the patients.

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Very disheartening.

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would a petition help in this regard, if thousands of people emailed in support of Dr Chetty from around the world this might have impact - what do you think Philip?

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Hoping that as more attention is raised, it will impact the trajectory of the hearing.

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Yes. We need to get support for the cause first among the better known activists then consensus on the wording

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I am shocked, but not surprised by this terrible news. I tried Sharing this information with my GP in Lower Hutt, New Zealand but was met with a brick wall of miscomprehensio .

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Please set up an account like Paypal where people from all over the world can easily help him with any legal fees :)

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PayPal tends to cancel worthy causes it doesn’t like

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yes GiveSendGo is better

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As just noted on youtube, this is a disgraceful thing. That any 'authority' should pursue an effective doctor at this stage in the process, when we know how ineffective most "approved" means of treating covid have been (as well as the problematic nature of vax and other experimental products) is completely unacceptable. It is unfortunately still in character for the sort of things colleges of physicians and surgeons in this country are doing, to harrass and punish doctors who have applied their skills and pre-pandemic knowledge to serve their patients with the medications available from the beginning, but it could not be more wrong.

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This attack on Dr. Chetty further proves that he is truly a brilliant physician and scientist. It also proves that the health agencies in South Africa are captured by self-serving entities that feel threatened by independent and intelligent people who don’t blindly parrot their propaganda.

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Hopefully those who support Dr Chetty will help publicise his excellence and how crazy this is

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i hope all of his patients will send letters and testify in support

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That answers my question in a previous post.

Utterly unfortunate.

That's my point about the 'mindset' of people like Kealey. This is where it leads however good the intentions may be. It's too dogmatic in its strict orthodoxy. It's not a coincidence Canada has one of the most rigid health systems in the OECD. It's simply unable to adjust and think outside the box and with some vision. It is completely paralyzed with fear of becoming 'American style health'. Whatever that means. It's a popular refrain here whenever anyone attempts to even suggest we need reforms because the system is, for all intents and purposes, broken and decrepit.

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The dogma of the Canadian health system is sadly only rivalled by that of New Zealand.

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They conflate public health with a value system.

Having public health is not a value. It's a service. It ceases to be a service when you can't provide timely access to those services. Therefore, it becomes anything but care and indeed sometimes becomes inhumane because it begins to 'ration without conscience' to survive.

It's not a value because you can devise another type of system to provide care. It doesn't have to be 100% provided by the state. But we live in a time where we demand the state takes care of us 'cradle to grave'.

In Canada, the orders of physicians operate like little mafias blocking any attempts at meaningful reforms while protecting their extraordinary salaries. A key blackmail threat they use when governments attempt to reign in labour costs is 'cut our salaries and you risk losing talent to the USA.' Newsflash: Our best already split for the States in any industry or domain.

It's no longer sustainable.

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Does a charge sheet written in semi-gibberish have any legal validity?

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This is weird. The sheet rather sems to be a Hallowing trick-or-treat joke. It does not require a lot of efforts to prove the claims are invalid both procedurally and materially. But since the HPCSA has a power, it does require any competence to have an influence on Dr.Chetty’s activities.

Rule 19 has 2 sub-points. The first sub-point applies to treatment protocols; the second sub-point applies to apparatus and health technologies. Dr.Chetty put emphasis on treatment protocol. He did introduce any new health technology with regard to C19. However, HPCSA may regard sun and wind as new health technologies which are rarely used in contemporary medical facilities.

Claim based on Rule 27 is funny. Provided that the code of conduct prescribes direct and personal interaction with patients, activities on public platforms fall outside the scope of the general practise.

Rule 12 should be directed against someone to be applicable. Dr.Chetty did not name another person registered under the Act or any other Health Act. If somebody identified as the object of criticism, then this is rather a problem of narcistic personality who feels criticised.

It is hard to comprehend how the HPCSA is going to substantiate the fourth claim since antihistamines, corticosteroids and anticoagulants are verified and prescribed in case of C-19 by the WHO and other health authorities and lab leak theory is supported by public authorities in other countries.

Therefore, all this case aims to trigger fear and obedience. Since the belief makes Dr.Chetty immune against fear of death, there is only one type of fear left to exploit – fear of exclusion.

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Brilliant summary Janis.

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The ludicrously pompous letter to Dr. Chetty (evidently dictated and not proofread) uses the word 'cost' for 'cast' and 'probability' for 'probity, and repeatedly uses the word 'tenants' when presumably it means 'tenets'. This is the level of incompetence of the writer.

As for the thinking behind the charges allegedly relating to 'evidence-based medicine', one can only wonder. What sort of doctor or government official would have the hide to promote vaccines, public health measures and treatments for Covid that have no supporting evidence whatsoever, and then criticize an effective and ethical practitioner? The only way to avoid the strictures of such a person would be to stand by and do nothing, which Dr. Chetty heroically refused to do. The true heroes of Covid are the doctors like Dr. Chetty who stood by their patients and acted with intelligence and compassion in defiance of the nincompoops in power.

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South Africa needs to named & shamed globally, for this travesty of medical ethics & justice.

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How can we help? Where is the crowdfunding site to support him...where is his BTC address. C’mon Dr McMillan. We all want to help, and this is the easiest way for us to be part of this resistance.

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