I feel like we are up to 8 different mechanistic ways that covid vaccines can cause/speed up cancer? I remember Dr Richard Fleming going over maybe 6-7 ways a while back.

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IgG4 - learned about it here 2 years ago! Should be a small fraction of the immune system but becomes predominant. Everything's a histamine response.

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That's like saying fish are 'linked' to water.

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Very informative with excellent explanations. Thank you!

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As said above, it appears that the Covid GMO causes IgG4 to go high but a Covid infection doesn’t. The doctor in Merogenomics talks about IgG4 calming the immune system and allowing cancers to get going in impeded but I haven’t been able to learn if the IgG4 antibody is spike protein specific or whether any high levels of any IgG4 causes the whole immune system to fall asleep.

It’s interesting that you Dr. McMillan are now talking about another mechanism as to how cancer can get started. All very worrying.

Another question I have is that Prof Angus Dalgleish said a while ago that we shouldn’t worry about the IgG1 antibodies falling as they don’t do the work that’s needed to be done, it’s the killer T cells and their memory mechanism that’s important. So I’m bemused at why all the worry about having to boost, boost and boost again. He gives an example of some other disease eg tetanus or something else, we had our last tetanus vaccination 40 years ago, our bodies are not full of the antibodies and yet should we get an infection the memory T cells get going ‘straight away’ and deal with it.

Incidentally, I had a friend 68 who had breast cancer 6 years ago and was treated and all seemed okay for a few years. Then because of her vulnerable status, she had a GMO booster in Sept 2023. In Oct just 2 weeks later she was ill enough to seek medical help, chemotherapy didn’t touch it this time and we buried her last month.

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