Neither SARS-CoV-2 nor these antibiotic-resistant bacteria would cause much trouble if everyone had at least the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (as measured in "vitamin D" blood tests) their immune system needs to function properly. This is 2 to 10 times as much as most people have if they are not supplementing vitamin D3 properly and have not had recent extensive ultraviolet-B exposure of their (ideally white) skin.

Please read the research articles cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ . This includes a tutorial on 25(OH)D to calcitriol intracrine and paracrine signaling, which many types of immune cell rely upon in order to change their behaviour in response to their changing circumstances.

This page also has recommendations from Prof. Sunil Wimalawansa on how much vitamin D3 to supplement (according to body weight and obesity status) on order to safely attain, over several months) at least the 50 ng/mL level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs to function properly. For average weight adults, this is about 0.125 milligrams = 5000 IU a day on average. This is a gram every 22 years. Pharma-grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory. There's very little vitamin D3 in food, fortified or not. UV-B exposure of white skin can produce good amounts of vitamin D3, but this is not generally available all year round (high elevation sunlight on cloud-free days without intervening glass, clothing or sunscreen) and UV-B damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.

Many types of immune cell need a good level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (produced mainly in the liver from ingested or UV-B-produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol) in order to run their 25-hydroxyvitamin D to calcitriol intracrine and paracrine signaling systems. These work within a single cell (intracrine) and to nearby cells (paracrine). The conversion is activated by a cell-type specific condition and the resulting calcitriol changes the cell's behaviour in different ways for each cell type.

Patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and/or bacteria, especially those which are resistant to antibiotics, don't have months to get their immune system working properly.

For clinical emergencies, such as sepsis, COVID-19, severe influenza, Kawasaki disease, MIS-C and cancer, average weight adults should take a bolus (large, single) oral dose of ca. 10 mg 400,000 IU vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. This will raise their level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D safely over 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L over (very approximately) 4 days or so.

The best approach, as recommended by Prof. Wimalawansa, is a single oral dose of calcifediol (which *is* 25-hydroxyvitamin D): 14 micrograms per kg body weight. For average weight adults, this is 1 milligram. This goes straight into circulation and so raises the circulating level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D safely over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours or so. Unfortunately, most people - doctors and pharmacists included - don't have a milligram of calcifediol ready to use, so the best approach for most people who have normal, unsupplemented, or poorly supplemented - and so low (e.g. 5 to 25 ng/mL) 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels - who have contracted sepsis, COVID-19, influenza, Kawasaki disease, MIS-C etc. is bolus vitamin D3.

This calcifediol treatment only makes sense if you have it ready right now. You probably don't and it would probably take 3 days or more to get it delivered. (100 of these small tablets add up to 1 milligram: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJ11LWHM This page and the bottle front label are misleading, 20 micrograms is for a serving size of two tablets.)

So bolus vitamin D3 is the most important and urgently needed treatment for the great majority of people whose 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is known to be, or is reasonably assumed to be, half or less of the 50 ng/mL their immune system needs to function properly.

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Saccharomyces boulardii can help Clostridium Difficile infection https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2319417023001233, likely more scientific articles.

Yeast Cell Wall can help eliminate pathogenic bacteria eg. Salmonella, E. coli and etc. These are non antibiotic treatments that don't add to antibiotic dysbiosis ( a biologist once told me the mechanism in simplistic terms is the yeast cell wall removes the ability of pathogenic bacteria to hook into our cells so they just pass out with the stool. This does not mean that there is not a role for antibiotics for already infected cells ).

Similarly, with urinary tract infections, ingestion of D-Mannose which humans can absorb but not utilise, is excreted in the urine. Being a sugar the pathogenic bacteria are attracted to the sugar, instead of human cells, therefore they pass out with the urine.

I had repeated urinary tract infections years ago which D-Mannose worked well for. I finally managed total freedom from these infections when I also took yeast cell wall to eliminate pathogenic bacteria from my intestines ( the possible reservoir of pathogenic bacteria reinfecting my urinary tract )

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This is super interesting for me.

Back in 2021 my appendix ruptured and in hospital was put on various antibiotics for my sepsis, peritonitis and aspiration pneumonia.

But also the protocol you described was pretty much what I went through.

A gut purge (vomiting constantly for 3-4 days, then in hospital a NG tube with no food or water for 4 days) then more antibiotics at home but also a nasal steroid for a polyp on my vocal cords from the NG tube.

Since then I have been taking berberine (natures metformin) and curcumin (natures anti-inflammatory)

Still have not “knowingly” had Covid🤔

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Wonderful talk! So very informative, and I'm so happy to know you will be doing more.

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Where can I find the ebook on NO2 you mentioned at the begin of the video ?

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Have you done any studies on fenbendazole and gut covid reduction

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Aug 2Edited




Repairing COVID Damage


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The origin of all presentations of long covid, including gut related ones, are the residual viral loads in the body. Basically, the pathogenic viral spike with its affinity for cell walls through electrostatic interactions. The same thing is true for vax spike remnants also. It is all a mix, whether the pathogenic component or the long term presentations. This pathogen needs to be eliminated for good. All the antibiotics mentioned in the paper can be anti virals also, capable of eliminating this pathogenic material. This arises from their chemical structure features and fluoroquinolone antibiotics can also be powerful anti virals here. So is doxycycline. While all these can fight secondary bacterial infections, their value here are as repurposed anti virals. I feel the protocol must include a good H2 anti histamine also, like famotidine. Structurally these are also anti virals. All these drugs should be suitable for long term prescriptions. Though I am not a doctor, as an organic chemist, I feel the clue lies in the chemical structure features of these molecules..Once the tenacious hold of the residual pathogenic spike ( either type) is eliminated, the super bacteria would lose their raisin d’être.

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sounds like the jab REALLY helped with this one...

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