Why is anything a shock….they have been putting poisonous chemicals and worse in our food and water for years… fluoride and yellow Prussiate of in our table salt 🧂 which is CYANIDE for years…..just to name two of many poisons…..AND WE ALLOW IT.
interestingly Black seedoil and Curcumin lower Clostridium - black seed oil was shown to be VERY successful at reducing Covid severity... (most of studies in Saudi)
We are finding we need a binder for the GUT to bind the Spike Protein, so what was happening is that there were all these sub clinical GUT infections the Spike Protein was either being made by the GUT bacteria or your GUT cells themselves.
So the problem was it was then leaking through the GUT and causing systemic inflammation or was causing problems in your GUT.
We needed a binder, so Spike Protein in the GUT made some people super sensitive to everything so they would get on a particular protocol maybe it was a herb or medication and they would be having dinner and have an anaphylaxis, we were finding we needed to have something to bind the spike protein in the GUT while or before doing a protocol giving different herbs or whatever it might be.
The one thing that helped things fall together was I found out there is a molecule called FUCOIDAN that is in seaweed in Bladderwrack and some other types of seaweed.
Robin Rose gave her representation she was saying we have this binder, it’s a seaweed.
It’s a really powerful binder of the Spike Protein and the SARS CoV 2 Virus.
There was a paper published in nature in July 2020 saying this is the best binder of SARS CoV 2 Virus we can find.
Not only does it (FUCOIDAN or BROWN SEAWEED) bind the virus and the spike protein and neutralise it, it also FEEDS GOOD GUT BACTERIA.
The other thing from ❤️ROBIN ROSE cells that took up spike protein become ZOMBIE cells and pump out inflammatory cytokine's making the system inflamed and they won’t die.
If you do get them to die they throw out all the spike protein which go into other cells and cause some problems.
So when the GUT bacteria or GUT lining or your BRAIN cells whatever cells they are DUMP the SPIKE PROTEIN you could have anaphylactic reaction.
So if someone treated you with something and it caused those cells to die it could give you LIFE THREATENING reaction. Especially if your very injured because you have high loads of spike protein.
..........ETC ETC
Cellular and Molecular Biologist
How to Clear Spike Protein + The Jacobson Decision
Coronaviruses constitute a significant threat to the human population. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2, SARS-CoV-2, is a highly pathogenic human coronavirus that has caused the COVID-19 pandemic. It has led to a global viral outbreak with an exceptional spread and a high death toll, highlighting the need for effective antiviral strategies. 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro), the main protease in SARS-CoV-2, plays an indispensable role in the SARS-CoV-2 viral life cycle by cleaving the viral polyprotein to produce eleven individual non-structural proteins necessary for viral replication. 3CLpro is one of two proteases that function to produce new viral particles. It is a highly conserved cysteine protease with identical structural folds in all known human coronaviruses. Inhibitors binding with high affinity to 3CLpro will prevent the cleavage of viral polyproteins, thus impeding viral replication.
I am trying to find a study where Paxlovid & its components were compared to Ibermectin in regard of its 3CL protease inhibitor effectiveness. BOTH showed invitro about the same inhibitory effect. How come I can't find IVM in the study of the recommended link ?
There was a study done comparing them in re to their inhibitory effect on 3CL proteases. Can you find them - I think Dr. Campbell on youtube explained this study. Need to find it.....
Thanks Sieglinde - there is also Fluoxetine (Prof. Bodem - Uni Würzburg ) found to inhibit CoV2 replication to 100% - June 2020 published but he was silenced by German health authorities - I assume because me and a well known lawyer and member of the ruling party ar this time tried to contact him in 2021 but the reply of his office was odd.
If I remember correctly, I contacted Prof. Bodem about Enterovirus 71 via LinkedIn in 2021, after I was clinically diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome. Unfortunately, I never received a response.
I found the sister chemical Flucoxamine end of 2022 in ICU treatment protocolls. Rather late when patients are intubated !!!
Fluoxetine, IVM have to be given right away when they start feeling symptoms or are being tested positive. IVM, F, cannot reverse damage done by Spike-ACE2-AB conglomerates ....
IVM has been proven to be effective in Papa New Guinea, Mexico, A.Pradesh-India, Peru .....where it was given as prophylaxis - so it is effective in vivo on a mass scale.......Paxlovid cannot say this. In vitro yes, and in studies yes - in real life ??
oh, guys! since the first ever time I did a long fasting beginning with a bowel cleansing, I understood d importance of d clean intestine. so whenever I feel a sudden tiredness, i do a bowel wash, and in an hour i am fine, a sleep well. my godmother taught us in the 1950s! well. if we swallow sg - where does it go? .....instead of university education, good sense did better.
Bismuth comment stream from a previous discussion on this subject re-posted here for new readers.
James Kringlee On The Path Liked by Dr Philip McMillan
I added Bismuth subsalicylate to my covid kit "on spec" early on because because the "gut active" bismuth compound that I first read was effective against covid, "Ranitidine bismuth citrate, a common drug for heartburn and other disorders, has been withdrawn from the market due to its contamination with N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a probable human carcinogen."
I subsequently found research showing "Bismuth subsalicylate, sold generically as pink bismuth and under brand names including Pepto-Bismol, Pepti-Calm and BisBacter," was also active against sars-cov-2 and covid. such as this (among numbers of publications) "Bismuth subsalicylate as potential treatment for Covid-19 pneumonia: A case series report" https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fddsv.2022.962988/full
"Various literature cited suggests that bismuth may have usefulness against Covid-19 both in vitro and in vivo. During the course of caring for Covid-19 patients we administered bismuth subsalicylate to those who displayed diarrhea and/or gastric complaints. Using relatively conservative criteria, upon retrospective review, we noted marked improvement in oxygen requirements in most of the cases. This improvement was observed even when prior therapy with standard anti-Covid drugs had failed. Our overall impression is that these positive results support a detailed evaluation of bismuth as an adjunct treatment for the treatment of Covid-19."
I searched using duck duck go with these words below
Bismuth subsalicylate and sars-cov-2 / covid
Dr Philip McMillan
Mar 22
Interesting James.
Anything that impacts on bacterial toxin production should be of value.
James Kringlee
On The Path
I stocked Bismuth subsalicylate for its potential inhibition of viral replication in the gut, so now also potentially knocking down viral replication in gut bacteria. I read it also has actions against bacteria and inflammation and perhaps some anticoagulation activity listed here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bismuth_subsalicylate
Perhaps the usefulness of antibiotics with antiviral action in the treatment of covid extends to the killing of gut bacteria that would otherwise become infected with sars-cov-2. Useful after infection in a process of knocking down infected bacteria then restoring good, uninfected bacteria to the gut?
I remember when Dr Chetty referenced a shift to more sars-cov-2 gut activity in the second wave of covid and his response with H2 blockers. I thought - natural evolution? or assisted evolution?
Dr Mobeen Syed discusses several Ranitidine bismuth citrate studys which illuminate the "viral helicase inhibitor virostatic / antiviral" action of bismuth salts in greatly reducing viral replication of both sars-cov and sars-cov-2 starting introduction to the 1:40 point then discussion of studies at the 6:02 time point in "Ranitidine Bismuth Citrate (RBC) For COVID-19" found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id3ysIch4lk he has provided links to 4 studies and 1 wickedpedia article below his video.
Moro Balakrishnan
Apr 10
Let me add Montelukast sodium also to my list of ionics. Along with Azithromycin, Ivermectin, HCQ, Levocetrizine, this was a leading drug in this pandemic. It is also a carboxylate ion, much like soap.
Moro Balakrishnan
Apr 10
I had read about RBC trials in Covid in early 2021 itself. Your ( Dr. Kringlee) on bismuth subsalicylate is very interesting. One mechanism of work of these bimuth compounds is that they are salts, ionic organic. Much like soap (sodium oleate) the first and early killer of this virus or CPC(Cetyl Pyridinium chloride) the mouth wash ingredient, another instant virus killer. Or Miltefosine, an anti parasitic and another ionic drugs. As an organic chemist, I can explain how with their electrostatic interactions, these ionic organics, as a class can be powerful antivirals. I had mentioned about these to Dr. McMillan way back in July 2021, when I began following his videos and communicating with him. Very very recently, I had mentioned this to Dr. Shankara Chetty also. Quite a few cephalosporin anti biotics are also cationic and can be powerful anti virals. It is a new way of looking at some the repurposed drugs.
James Kringlee
I am not a doctor but one of many forced to become their own "doctor" because of the denial of Real Prevention for covid and the denial of Real Treatment for covid in these evil times.
I worked as an independent contractor in the painting and building trades and throughout my life have had an interest in and ability to "research" and figure out how to do practical things.. These served me well at the start of the pandemic as I owned a full kit of 3M respiratory protection and had a substantial stock of 3M 8210+ N95 masks which enabled me to give Real N95 masks to family friends and neighbors and protect myself and to be able to take the time to "research" and find out what Real Doctors and Real Researchers had figured out about sars-cov-2 and covid.
Yes to "repurposed drugs".
Like (1)
Reply (1)
Moro Balakrishnan
Apr 12
Very interesting background yours. You may have started out of necessity, but I think you have maintained tremendous interest in the subject, for any clinician to take serious note of your word. I have mentioned in several other places about about the sorry plight of Covid patients in the USA, not being able to find or get the help of doctors that have closely followed this virus and illness. I find this situation very intriguing if not shameful. It was USA that developed and gave 80% of all the drugs that have saved humanity down these decades. Yet, it didn’t realise or ignored the fact that it was perfectly capable of subduing this pandemic quickly, saving over a million lives. What a travesty of fate !
Reply (1)
James Kringlee
On The Path
Apr 12
·edited Apr 12
Thank You.
"I find this situation very intriguing if not shameful"
The workhorse in India against Delta ( 2021) and Omicron (2022). Please note that it is an anti viral too. A key item in Dr. Chetty’s successful toolkit.
Here in West Wales jabbed people seem to be going down with nasty cases of covid - either they test for covid (Yes, they stocked up on the giant cotton buds) or they believe they have covid. Certainly I am hearing of levels of flu-like illnesses that I have never heard of in the height of Summer in my previous 58 years on the planet.
To be frank, I lost a lot of respect for Geert when he introduced a pay per view system at this precise moment. He basically has told us that something unimaginably terrible is about to happen to Humanity... but to now learn what is happening you have to pay. I feel like a sucker who has been lured into a...
Being very blunt... No, best if I do not tell you what I really think.
His prophecies of mass deaths have - thankfully - repeatedly failed to materialise. I will leave it at that.
I was surprised when we were told they could monitor COVID hotspots by checking the effluent of waste water plants. Never heard of that with any other viruses like Influenza.
I seem to hear a lot more people dying from pancreatic and liver cancer and thought that was due to out of control IgG4 from the jab whacking immune systems. Maybe it's poor gut health from the man-made virus, or both?
Very interesting and very crucial findings and thanks for bringing it out. It is interesting how between pairs of antibiotics from the same family, one works and the other doesn’t on the viral load, like Erithromycin and Azithromycin, Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin etc. Among Cephalosporins, Cefixime is the best, even if it doesn’t eliminate the virus totally. When I had Omicron in Jan 2022, I took Cefixime because of throat symptoms along with Montelukast and Levocetrizine. I was ok in a week. As an organic chemist ( long retired), I would adduce two reasons for the difference in sets. First their basic nature, measured as pKa values. One with a higher pKa could be effective. Example Erithromycin versus Azithromycin. Second, the spatial geometry of the molecule - one with a favourable one to lock on to the cationic site of the spike and strip its potency - this could be so between the two Fluoroquinolone antibiotics. I recall a remark from someone eminent in a podcast - organic chemistry is the most neglected part of the study of medicinal science. On the title question and on the issue of how to save good gut bacteria from this virus - the prescription would be the same as for any other ill effects of this virus - go for early classical medications, don’t allow strong viral build up, keep dismantling whatever build up takes place. This study should have included off label anti virals that were effectively employed in this pandemic by many lesser countries - anti histamines, Ivermectin, HCQ - singly and in combinations. By destroying the virus, they could free up the incapacitated bacteria.
Thanks, Melanie, for liking the comment. As I said in the end, the authors of the paper have to study the effect on viral loads by the other successful molecules used against this virus, including Montelukast, which are all non anti biotics, but off label anti virals all the same. While they would reduce the viral load, they would be benign to the good gut bacteria. Such study is very important to arrive at precise clinical assessments and choice of drugs to be used. For better part, the authors should study the West’s obsessions - Paxlovid, Remdisivir, Molnupiravir etc.
Metronidazole an anti-parasiticum like Ivermectin. Again I cannot find the use of IVM in these studies, wether thats the testing of 3CL protease-inhibitors or in the one of the Italians, which proved that Metronidazol eliminates bad bacteria in the gut by 100%. That stinks. IVM - I suppose would to excellently in its 2 properties (3CL protease inhib. + Efficient antibiotic behaviour against colostrum overgrowth (benefitting viral RNA growth! What is the opinion of Philip and the audience ?
I was going through this presentation again today and the comments. I had mentioned about the need to study Ivermectin, HcQ, Montelukast, anti histamines like Levocetrizine etc which along with Azithromycin were the highly successful work horses in 2021 and 2022, both delta and Omicron. These are all off label anti virals, non antibiotics ( except Azithromycin) and thus would be extremely safe to good gut bacteria, while eliminating the virus that has infected the bacteria. I realise that this paper was in 2021, by when successful use of these molecules were not established. Yes, the main focus of the authors in the study was also different. I would strongly urge the authors to extend the study now, using the same experimental methodology of studying viral loads and bacterial status. Also, a study now would involve the presence of Omicron, unlike the original study which could be delta or its predecessors. Omicron, despite being mild, has continued to roil the West. The study of these molecules would give a complete clinical picture about treatments. And two more parameters need to be studied. The effect of the new kids on the block like Paxlovid, Remdisivir etc and the effect of repeat m-RNA vaccinations.
Why is anything a shock….they have been putting poisonous chemicals and worse in our food and water for years… fluoride and yellow Prussiate of in our table salt 🧂 which is CYANIDE for years…..just to name two of many poisons…..AND WE ALLOW IT.
Yellow prussiate of soda *****
interestingly Black seedoil and Curcumin lower Clostridium - black seed oil was shown to be VERY successful at reducing Covid severity... (most of studies in Saudi)
We are finding we need a binder for the GUT to bind the Spike Protein, so what was happening is that there were all these sub clinical GUT infections the Spike Protein was either being made by the GUT bacteria or your GUT cells themselves.
So the problem was it was then leaking through the GUT and causing systemic inflammation or was causing problems in your GUT.
We needed a binder, so Spike Protein in the GUT made some people super sensitive to everything so they would get on a particular protocol maybe it was a herb or medication and they would be having dinner and have an anaphylaxis, we were finding we needed to have something to bind the spike protein in the GUT while or before doing a protocol giving different herbs or whatever it might be.
The one thing that helped things fall together was I found out there is a molecule called FUCOIDAN that is in seaweed in Bladderwrack and some other types of seaweed.
Robin Rose gave her representation she was saying we have this binder, it’s a seaweed.
It’s a really powerful binder of the Spike Protein and the SARS CoV 2 Virus.
There was a paper published in nature in July 2020 saying this is the best binder of SARS CoV 2 Virus we can find.
Not only does it (FUCOIDAN or BROWN SEAWEED) bind the virus and the spike protein and neutralise it, it also FEEDS GOOD GUT BACTERIA.
The other thing from ❤️ROBIN ROSE cells that took up spike protein become ZOMBIE cells and pump out inflammatory cytokine's making the system inflamed and they won’t die.
If you do get them to die they throw out all the spike protein which go into other cells and cause some problems.
So when the GUT bacteria or GUT lining or your BRAIN cells whatever cells they are DUMP the SPIKE PROTEIN you could have anaphylactic reaction.
So if someone treated you with something and it caused those cells to die it could give you LIFE THREATENING reaction. Especially if your very injured because you have high loads of spike protein.
..........ETC ETC
Cellular and Molecular Biologist
How to Clear Spike Protein + The Jacobson Decision
Interesting. Here in Wales we eat seaweed - laverbread - usually fried with some bacon & eggs. Quite tasty with a dollop of brown sauce on it.
I will mention this to my jabbed friends, although I doubt whether any would do more than listen.
News: "3C-like proteases in SARS-CoV-2"
Coronaviruses constitute a significant threat to the human population. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2, SARS-CoV-2, is a highly pathogenic human coronavirus that has caused the COVID-19 pandemic. It has led to a global viral outbreak with an exceptional spread and a high death toll, highlighting the need for effective antiviral strategies. 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro), the main protease in SARS-CoV-2, plays an indispensable role in the SARS-CoV-2 viral life cycle by cleaving the viral polyprotein to produce eleven individual non-structural proteins necessary for viral replication. 3CLpro is one of two proteases that function to produce new viral particles. It is a highly conserved cysteine protease with identical structural folds in all known human coronaviruses. Inhibitors binding with high affinity to 3CLpro will prevent the cleavage of viral polyproteins, thus impeding viral replication.
continue reading:
I am trying to find a study where Paxlovid & its components were compared to Ibermectin in regard of its 3CL protease inhibitor effectiveness. BOTH showed invitro about the same inhibitory effect. How come I can't find IVM in the study of the recommended link ?
See: "Comparing Ivermectin vs Paxlovid" https://www.drugs.com/compare/ivermectin-vs-paxlovid
There was a study done comparing them in re to their inhibitory effect on 3CL proteases. Can you find them - I think Dr. Campbell on youtube explained this study. Need to find it.....
Yes, I saw this and saved this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufy2AweXRkc
Thanks Sieglinde - there is also Fluoxetine (Prof. Bodem - Uni Würzburg ) found to inhibit CoV2 replication to 100% - June 2020 published but he was silenced by German health authorities - I assume because me and a well known lawyer and member of the ruling party ar this time tried to contact him in 2021 but the reply of his office was odd.
If I remember correctly, I contacted Prof. Bodem about Enterovirus 71 via LinkedIn in 2021, after I was clinically diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome. Unfortunately, I never received a response.
I found the sister chemical Flucoxamine end of 2022 in ICU treatment protocolls. Rather late when patients are intubated !!!
Fluoxetine, IVM have to be given right away when they start feeling symptoms or are being tested positive. IVM, F, cannot reverse damage done by Spike-ACE2-AB conglomerates ....
IVM has been proven to be effective in Papa New Guinea, Mexico, A.Pradesh-India, Peru .....where it was given as prophylaxis - so it is effective in vivo on a mass scale.......Paxlovid cannot say this. In vitro yes, and in studies yes - in real life ??
After my lab reports showed VWF, APS, and low cortisol levels, I refrained from pursuing details about fluvoxamine after reading: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/fluvoxamine-oral-route/precautions/drg-20066874
Carlo Brogna, SARS-CoV-2: La completa verità (1)
oh, guys! since the first ever time I did a long fasting beginning with a bowel cleansing, I understood d importance of d clean intestine. so whenever I feel a sudden tiredness, i do a bowel wash, and in an hour i am fine, a sleep well. my godmother taught us in the 1950s! well. if we swallow sg - where does it go? .....instead of university education, good sense did better.
Bismuth comment stream from a previous discussion on this subject re-posted here for new readers.
James Kringlee On The Path Liked by Dr Philip McMillan
I added Bismuth subsalicylate to my covid kit "on spec" early on because because the "gut active" bismuth compound that I first read was effective against covid, "Ranitidine bismuth citrate, a common drug for heartburn and other disorders, has been withdrawn from the market due to its contamination with N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a probable human carcinogen."
I subsequently found research showing "Bismuth subsalicylate, sold generically as pink bismuth and under brand names including Pepto-Bismol, Pepti-Calm and BisBacter," was also active against sars-cov-2 and covid. such as this (among numbers of publications) "Bismuth subsalicylate as potential treatment for Covid-19 pneumonia: A case series report" https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fddsv.2022.962988/full
"Various literature cited suggests that bismuth may have usefulness against Covid-19 both in vitro and in vivo. During the course of caring for Covid-19 patients we administered bismuth subsalicylate to those who displayed diarrhea and/or gastric complaints. Using relatively conservative criteria, upon retrospective review, we noted marked improvement in oxygen requirements in most of the cases. This improvement was observed even when prior therapy with standard anti-Covid drugs had failed. Our overall impression is that these positive results support a detailed evaluation of bismuth as an adjunct treatment for the treatment of Covid-19."
I searched using duck duck go with these words below
Bismuth subsalicylate and sars-cov-2 / covid
Dr Philip McMillan
Mar 22
Interesting James.
Anything that impacts on bacterial toxin production should be of value.
James Kringlee
On The Path
I stocked Bismuth subsalicylate for its potential inhibition of viral replication in the gut, so now also potentially knocking down viral replication in gut bacteria. I read it also has actions against bacteria and inflammation and perhaps some anticoagulation activity listed here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bismuth_subsalicylate
Perhaps the usefulness of antibiotics with antiviral action in the treatment of covid extends to the killing of gut bacteria that would otherwise become infected with sars-cov-2. Useful after infection in a process of knocking down infected bacteria then restoring good, uninfected bacteria to the gut?
I remember when Dr Chetty referenced a shift to more sars-cov-2 gut activity in the second wave of covid and his response with H2 blockers. I thought - natural evolution? or assisted evolution?
Dr Mobeen Syed discusses several Ranitidine bismuth citrate studys which illuminate the "viral helicase inhibitor virostatic / antiviral" action of bismuth salts in greatly reducing viral replication of both sars-cov and sars-cov-2 starting introduction to the 1:40 point then discussion of studies at the 6:02 time point in "Ranitidine Bismuth Citrate (RBC) For COVID-19" found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id3ysIch4lk he has provided links to 4 studies and 1 wickedpedia article below his video.
Moro Balakrishnan
Apr 10
Let me add Montelukast sodium also to my list of ionics. Along with Azithromycin, Ivermectin, HCQ, Levocetrizine, this was a leading drug in this pandemic. It is also a carboxylate ion, much like soap.
Moro Balakrishnan
Apr 10
I had read about RBC trials in Covid in early 2021 itself. Your ( Dr. Kringlee) on bismuth subsalicylate is very interesting. One mechanism of work of these bimuth compounds is that they are salts, ionic organic. Much like soap (sodium oleate) the first and early killer of this virus or CPC(Cetyl Pyridinium chloride) the mouth wash ingredient, another instant virus killer. Or Miltefosine, an anti parasitic and another ionic drugs. As an organic chemist, I can explain how with their electrostatic interactions, these ionic organics, as a class can be powerful antivirals. I had mentioned about these to Dr. McMillan way back in July 2021, when I began following his videos and communicating with him. Very very recently, I had mentioned this to Dr. Shankara Chetty also. Quite a few cephalosporin anti biotics are also cationic and can be powerful anti virals. It is a new way of looking at some the repurposed drugs.
James Kringlee
I am not a doctor but one of many forced to become their own "doctor" because of the denial of Real Prevention for covid and the denial of Real Treatment for covid in these evil times.
I worked as an independent contractor in the painting and building trades and throughout my life have had an interest in and ability to "research" and figure out how to do practical things.. These served me well at the start of the pandemic as I owned a full kit of 3M respiratory protection and had a substantial stock of 3M 8210+ N95 masks which enabled me to give Real N95 masks to family friends and neighbors and protect myself and to be able to take the time to "research" and find out what Real Doctors and Real Researchers had figured out about sars-cov-2 and covid.
Yes to "repurposed drugs".
Like (1)
Reply (1)
Moro Balakrishnan
Apr 12
Very interesting background yours. You may have started out of necessity, but I think you have maintained tremendous interest in the subject, for any clinician to take serious note of your word. I have mentioned in several other places about about the sorry plight of Covid patients in the USA, not being able to find or get the help of doctors that have closely followed this virus and illness. I find this situation very intriguing if not shameful. It was USA that developed and gave 80% of all the drugs that have saved humanity down these decades. Yet, it didn’t realise or ignored the fact that it was perfectly capable of subduing this pandemic quickly, saving over a million lives. What a travesty of fate !
Reply (1)
James Kringlee
On The Path
Apr 12
·edited Apr 12
Thank You.
"I find this situation very intriguing if not shameful"
Yes, very intriguing - shameful.
If you look at the antibiotic chart, azithromycin is also effective at 100% to destroy the bacteria.
The workhorse in India against Delta ( 2021) and Omicron (2022). Please note that it is an anti viral too. A key item in Dr. Chetty’s successful toolkit.
Any news from Geert's bunker?
Here in West Wales jabbed people seem to be going down with nasty cases of covid - either they test for covid (Yes, they stocked up on the giant cotton buds) or they believe they have covid. Certainly I am hearing of levels of flu-like illnesses that I have never heard of in the height of Summer in my previous 58 years on the planet.
I’d like to hear from Geert again too. I don’t have the extra funds to afford his new subscription only platforms.
To be frank, I lost a lot of respect for Geert when he introduced a pay per view system at this precise moment. He basically has told us that something unimaginably terrible is about to happen to Humanity... but to now learn what is happening you have to pay. I feel like a sucker who has been lured into a...
Being very blunt... No, best if I do not tell you what I really think.
His prophecies of mass deaths have - thankfully - repeatedly failed to materialise. I will leave it at that.
I was surprised when we were told they could monitor COVID hotspots by checking the effluent of waste water plants. Never heard of that with any other viruses like Influenza.
I seem to hear a lot more people dying from pancreatic and liver cancer and thought that was due to out of control IgG4 from the jab whacking immune systems. Maybe it's poor gut health from the man-made virus, or both?
Wash your hands with soap to remove C. Diff. Hand sanitizer doesn't cut it.
Very interesting and very crucial findings and thanks for bringing it out. It is interesting how between pairs of antibiotics from the same family, one works and the other doesn’t on the viral load, like Erithromycin and Azithromycin, Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin etc. Among Cephalosporins, Cefixime is the best, even if it doesn’t eliminate the virus totally. When I had Omicron in Jan 2022, I took Cefixime because of throat symptoms along with Montelukast and Levocetrizine. I was ok in a week. As an organic chemist ( long retired), I would adduce two reasons for the difference in sets. First their basic nature, measured as pKa values. One with a higher pKa could be effective. Example Erithromycin versus Azithromycin. Second, the spatial geometry of the molecule - one with a favourable one to lock on to the cationic site of the spike and strip its potency - this could be so between the two Fluoroquinolone antibiotics. I recall a remark from someone eminent in a podcast - organic chemistry is the most neglected part of the study of medicinal science. On the title question and on the issue of how to save good gut bacteria from this virus - the prescription would be the same as for any other ill effects of this virus - go for early classical medications, don’t allow strong viral build up, keep dismantling whatever build up takes place. This study should have included off label anti virals that were effectively employed in this pandemic by many lesser countries - anti histamines, Ivermectin, HCQ - singly and in combinations. By destroying the virus, they could free up the incapacitated bacteria.
Thanks, Melanie, for liking the comment. As I said in the end, the authors of the paper have to study the effect on viral loads by the other successful molecules used against this virus, including Montelukast, which are all non anti biotics, but off label anti virals all the same. While they would reduce the viral load, they would be benign to the good gut bacteria. Such study is very important to arrive at precise clinical assessments and choice of drugs to be used. For better part, the authors should study the West’s obsessions - Paxlovid, Remdisivir, Molnupiravir etc.
I wonder what would happen if they tested with probiotics similar to the antibiotics test...
I cannot find the correct link to the ebook on nitric oxide. :(
Metronidazole an anti-parasiticum like Ivermectin. Again I cannot find the use of IVM in these studies, wether thats the testing of 3CL protease-inhibitors or in the one of the Italians, which proved that Metronidazol eliminates bad bacteria in the gut by 100%. That stinks. IVM - I suppose would to excellently in its 2 properties (3CL protease inhib. + Efficient antibiotic behaviour against colostrum overgrowth (benefitting viral RNA growth! What is the opinion of Philip and the audience ?
I was going through this presentation again today and the comments. I had mentioned about the need to study Ivermectin, HcQ, Montelukast, anti histamines like Levocetrizine etc which along with Azithromycin were the highly successful work horses in 2021 and 2022, both delta and Omicron. These are all off label anti virals, non antibiotics ( except Azithromycin) and thus would be extremely safe to good gut bacteria, while eliminating the virus that has infected the bacteria. I realise that this paper was in 2021, by when successful use of these molecules were not established. Yes, the main focus of the authors in the study was also different. I would strongly urge the authors to extend the study now, using the same experimental methodology of studying viral loads and bacterial status. Also, a study now would involve the presence of Omicron, unlike the original study which could be delta or its predecessors. Omicron, despite being mild, has continued to roil the West. The study of these molecules would give a complete clinical picture about treatments. And two more parameters need to be studied. The effect of the new kids on the block like Paxlovid, Remdisivir etc and the effect of repeat m-RNA vaccinations.
Do you recommend any specific probiotic products? Would they even help or would they just be killed off?