It will be VAIDs - Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency.

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This is the reality.

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I was wondering if we should use this term, VAIDS, thank you.

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I'll add two more points to the list:

4. Don't listen to any of the propaganda your government is undoubtedly going to blast you with.

5. Whatever happens, under no circumstances take any of the "safe and effective" vaxxiines they'll be trying to push on you.

Happy New Year everyone!

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I’ve been a big fan of yours for a long time but this article is just fear-mongering and it’s not true. There is no state of emergency that has been called here. China is currently going through a huge spike of flu A. There is also a lot of rhinovirus in the south and microplasma in the north. It’s the same as last year at this time. This information is not just from official sources, there are many people on social media who run polls and analyse data here. It’s bad, don’t get me wrong, and I’m sure covid and vax are playing a part in this as immunity is down massively, but there is no state of emergency declared and to be honest nobody is worried about anything other than flu (the narrative here has been completely changed so most people think covid is just a cold). The pictures of children’s hospitals always look like that in winter because there is barely any primary health care system and everybody takes their kids to the best public hopsital as soon as they get sick, leading to them then getting cross infected with more viruses. This is a good account full of data on what is actually happening here, you can click to translate to English https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/fYVm0aa6b6Pw811DB8eX9Q

I’m not trying to challenge your concerns about damaged immune systems but this talk of an emergency in China as if it’s something new is nonsense. I’m sorry but every post from you now just seems to be aimed to sell you book. I know you are one of the good guys and you need to make a living but make it a little less obvious because it is damaging your credibility and I want more people to listen to you because I think you are pretty much on the money with everything you write.

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Understand your point.

Most are not aware that across the world, many hospitals are feeling this pressure. It is likely to continue to increase.

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Possibly. Or quite possibly it doesn’t get worse or better but just persists like this at a rate than most people don’t notice, while we boil like frogs. I’ve followed you a long time and believe you are one of the good guys but the narrative of all your articles has become pure clickbait to sell your book. I hope you can make a good living but you are better than this sensationalist kind of article. I have lost a lot of trust in you recently. The change to your posts in the last two months is obvious for anybody to see. I hope you can keep alerting people without resorting to poorly researched rubbish. You are better than better than that

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I am unable to share what is happening at the front, but there is no doubt this seems like a transition.

By the time it is in the news, it will be way too late.

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Absolutely, this. You are in danger of going into click-bait territory, Doc, and you're better than that. Everywhere there was vaccination now seems to have an increased issue with more respiratory disease (which slowly but steadily looks to becoming an emergency) - not just China and it doesn't need the extra 'fear factor'.

Your reasoning as to why this issue is arising seems sound to me. Sadly, vaccine acquired immunodeficiency does seem to be a thing now, but the virus is also potentially dangerous for non-vaccinated too if it gets through the respiratory mucus membrane. This means anyone with any lower working innate immunity (over 55s, immunocompromised, low vitamin D etc.). I'm guessing your book gives ways to prevent this happening as well as ways to minimise catching respiratory infections too? e.g. gargling tea seems a very inexpensive way to drastically reduce viral load in the mouth and throat - was amazed at the findings of the paper this story talks about: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-04-cup-tea-covid-teas-inactivate.html

Thanks for all you are doing but please also take note of Perplexed Rationalist.

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As regards increased issues, this is a headline today in the UK:

'Hospital admissions for flu quadruple in England as NHS bosses warn of ‘huge’ strain'


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Here goes another plandemic by these self-proclaimed so-called elites and CIA/WHO/WEF.

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they cannot let up, because then the majority of people will wake to the last scam

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The war in ukr may end soon and it is needed to keep the fear on-going until a new fear breaks out. I remember you that "plandemic" ended abruptly with the above-mentioned event.

P. S. This does not exclude the risks associated to any plandemic aren't real, whatever that risks are.

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Not jabbed at all. Not MRNA

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Mrna is just a differentiator of choice for the gullable people wuth untrained minds.

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Guess their economy is still suffering and they need more dead.

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China is desperately trying to increase its population due to the demographic issues it faces. If you believe the depopulation theory, this would potentially explain why no mRNA vax here and why they were so desperate to control it. So any increase in infections here suggests that is not all vax damage but also from the virus as well

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I hear you, explains a lot. Thank-you

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How jabbed are the Chinese?

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they had 3 or 4 different jab products. but they all also take flu shots.

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The uptake of flu shots here in China is about 3-5%. It is way below most of the west and the government have struggled for years to get people to take them. They don’t take flu shots because you need to pay for them and most people won’t or can’t afford to and those who can just don’t see the need. We also didn’t take any mRNA shots for covid, only inactivated so this is potentially a useful experiment in how much is because of mRNA and how much actually covid.

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Ah glad to hear that thanks for correction. Do you have a source for that i can use to quote for people?

The clinical trial reports i read back then for the traditional attenuated virus jab (Sinovax?) said it was a little over 55% effective but all those trials and effectiveness numbers need re-examining.

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You can see my other post here has a link to a really good wechat account. You won’t find any useful official sources here as they can’t be trusted. I also did a bit of research and the ‘declaration of emergency’ story appears to have been a rumour of Chinese social media picked up by some Indian MSM. Can’t see it anywhere else. HMPV figures for sentinel hospitals in China is at 6.2% which is high, but flu is currently at 30-40% so out it into context. Yes these are official figures so yes there is some doubt but I know several doctors and they are all talking about flu and microplasma at the moment and tell me the overall situation is not as bad as last winter when microplasma in particular went wild here followed by flu A then flu B. This shows that covid and vax is definitely leading to more outbreaks here, but my point was this story of an emergency and potentially a new attempt at the playbook of creating panic is fake news as of today at least

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Even if it's not vaccine-related (due to non-takeup of vaccines in China), once the infections are booming there for whatever reason, they're going to spread to highly vaccinated countries.

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Lacking vit a as well.

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Actually, there are NO OUTBREAK in China. Do your own reaserch. Nothing out of normal is happening in China. All fake news to get peoples spread fake news. Do no neleive everything you get from the web, specially from someone trying to sell his book

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I don't like the fact, that it is happening in China, again, and that Dr. Leana Wen (ori CHinese) comes out and wants every American vaccinated against H5N1:


that's how covid19 universal gene therapy injections started, after telling everyone there is no innate immunity any more, and after getting the universal gene therapy illegally 'approved', and applied on almost everyone, the overall health experts now are telling us, we are no more capable of protecting ourselves from ANY virus any more... WHAT??? Is that a prelude to an every month injection, because of the failing immune system, i.e. literally an HIV-1 global scenario???

There is one important message in Dr. McMillans' talk, 'somehow' covid19 managed to wipe out the human interferon pathway, as if we are dealing indeed with globally never-ending HIV-1 infection. How convenient. That's all what the papers confirming the high homology of SARS-CoV-2 SPike and HIV-1 gp160 glycoprotein were telling, they are similar and they can do similar things! What is needed is to DISTANCE oneself from ALL MD's, as far as possible. Get your believe back in NATURE, and the still present power of your body. Call your chinese family, friends, etc and confirm if we are not dealing with yet another GLOBAL LIE...

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... and that which inhibits an early interferon response to sars-cov-2 - A "feature" the virus has "been learned" is "increased" suppression of the body's early interferon response. This allows viral grow to peak levels until the immune system kicks in and then either no noticeable symptoms or quite noticeable symptoms as the immune system knocks down the viral load. The person is most infectious, with no symptoms, at peak viral levels just before the immune system kicks in - So, OF COURSE there is "Asymptomatic Transmission of COVID-19", a very useful design feature for a pandemic virus.

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Yes, "DISTANCE oneself".

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Make sure your vit a/beta carotene levels are topped up. China did a study about 10months ago that the pneumonia was effecting those who were low on Vit a. Take beta carotene as it's none toxic and your body uses as required.

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Eat your damned carrots, ppl. And BUTTER, too. Better yet, cook your carrots in butter and eat 'em, duh.

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Lol, except they are putting mrna in carrots. 😆

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The implementation of the planned measures is still going on. https://youtu.be/JaF-fq2Zn7I?si=fBkPnaMkDmsE4aeU

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Please note some accounts do their best to spread fear by spreading disinformation.

China has NOT declared a state of emergency over epidemics overwhelming the hospitals and crematoriums in the country.

It's scaremongering.

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yes, it’s one new story from an Indian tabloid based on a rumour spreading in Chinese social media

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Worldwide peoples' immune systems have degraded, widespread immunodeficiency caused by both the sars-cov-2 "spike" and, in the "west", the "vaccine" generated spike via mRNA and viral vector platform injections.

as of 12/28/2024 ~1 in 10 people in england now appear to have symptomatic covid infections see this video "New COVID Variants Are Surging!" by Vejon Health, at the 2:10 time point, here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h98iw8hIAI The video also shows that covid is also surging in the US.

"Basic Prevention" practices useful to stop covid infection will also be useful against bird flu/come what may BUT People are not protecting themselves NOW. No such thing as mild covid. No such thing as a "safe and effective" "vaccine" against coronavirus.


Basic Real Prevention can stop pandemics within a willing, informed population

Starting in the trades I have now been using N95's for nearly 50 years along with a full kit of respiratory protection. I was blessed from day one to be able to choose the basic Real Prevention of N95 and then learn about more basic real prevention and add early treatment backup.

Basic Real Prevention requires combinations of good practice - now including high "D3" blood levels and first "salting the battlefield", the viral entry route, with the right home mixed antiviral sprays for eyes, nose and mouth to inhibit viral binding and kill what does leak through or around the N95 and the basic eye protection of eyeglasses thus greatly reducing potential viral load from "shared air". Then when back home, depending on perceived level of potential acquired exposure, home mixed antiviral nasal flush / eye wash / mouthwash as a matter of course as washing of hands. Then perhaps a few antiviral sprays inhaled, a few mL of vodka nebulized - again depending on perceived potential exposure levels

A great failing has been the uninformed population and failure to establish the Actually Best Basic Real Prevention Best Practices using the scientific method. Then to simply and clearly make these best practices readily available on a population wide basis for those who choose to use them. I and others have had to try and pick and choose among measures that do work as best we can. "Research" a lot - go with what you got.

A great evil has been the premeditated plan to insure the suppression of Real Prevention of covid and Real Treatment for covid for the purpose of and to enable the forcing of "their" "vaccine" only plan for prevention.

I will reply with some Basic Prevention "how to" details upon request

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There has been no isolated Covid Virus, therefore no spike protein from the virus.

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"No such thing as mild covid."

Yes there is! I caught something in 2022. "covid tests" said it was covid and it lasted 3 days or so and that was it. I and my family have since not cared about covid *at all* and we're just not interested. We said no to the weird injection and we've have also said to no perpetual worry and fear about the "natural" or "GOF" "covid". I was very much into "early treatment" for a while. Not anymore.

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"No such thing as mild covid." is said in concern for the "slow kill" bioweapon inserts in spike protein which shut down / kill off aspects of the human immune system and prion generating inserts which set off prion cascades leading to such as Alzheimer's disease and accelerated aging of all manner of body systems.

Walter M Chesnut here https://substack.com/@wmcresearch compiles and makes sense of some of the research which has revealed numbers of the bioweapon aspects, inserts and deletions, in various of the bioweapon lab recombined sars-cov-2 variants which induce SYSTEMIC FIBROSIS AND CANCER

a ccp/pla 2 front , stealth, "Unrestricted Warfare" , "economic war", bioweapon attack on the west. Front #1) sars-cov-2 + "developed" immune escape variants, front #2) ccp/pla tradecraft + fear-inducing showmanship inducing the west to use ccp/pla slow kill bioweapon spike for its countermeasure mRNA and viral vector produced vaccine antigen

Some references to the toxic bioweapon inserts in "spike" and in the mRNA "created" covid vaccine spike antigen including contamination of the injection. Fast kill of the most vulnerable, slow kill or injury to many.

Endotoxin is a major cause of Jab Deaths, especially in the first week - Deaths per million Adverse Reaction reports copes with unknown under-reporting https://geoffpain.substack.com/p/jab-endotoxin-deaths-per-million

my reply to his comment - Could this endotoxin "built in" to sars-cov-2 and replicated by the body via mRNA? be part of the endotoxin problem? "staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) segment, near the S1/S2 cleavage site of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein" Your article seems to refer to vaccine manufacturing process endotoxin.

my note: bioweapon bacterial superantigen Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) - - an old school bioweapon in the bioweapon stockpiles in the world, undoubtedly in china. Once a US mainstay and now?, undoubtedly still in the US stockpile for research purposes, etc.,

see this study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33930306/ (one among numbers of "bioweapon insert" in the spike studies)


We recently discovered a superantigen-like motif sequentially and structurally similar to a staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) segment, near the S1/S2 cleavage site of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which might explain the multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) observed in children and the cytokine storm in severe COVID-19 patients. We show here that an anti-SEB monoclonal antibody (mAb), 6D3, can bind this viral motif at its polybasic (PRRA) insert to inhibit infection in live virus assays. The overlap between the superantigenic site of the spike and its proteolytic cleavage site suggests that the mAb prevents viral entry by interfering with the proteolytic activity of cell proteases (furin and TMPRSS2). The high affinity of 6D3 for this site originates from a polyacidic segment at its heavy chain CDR2. The study points to the potential utility of 6D3 for possibly treating COVID-19, MIS-C, or common colds caused by human coronaviruses that also possess a furin-like cleavage site."

at the very end of the following "snake venom "excerpt is some of what Dr Kory had to say on the endotoxin subject. from https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/snake-venom-and-covid-19

" ... there is indeed a short sequence of RNA coding for amino acids that make up a part of the receptor binding domain (RBD) portion of the spike protein that is identical to snake venom. Problem with calling COVID-19 snake venom: this protein sequence is just a small part of one protein of the 29 made by SARS-CoV2 when it replicates. This does NOT mean the virus came from a snake but it does have a little snake venom protein in it. Why it is in there who knows, I suppose I can ask Fauci or Baric or Daszak or the Chinese Military the next time I run into one of them. Starting from here though, I am getting worried about where this is going.

It is true however, and important to recognize, that this part of the spike protein RBD may potentially make it antagonize nicotinic receptors, a pathophysiologic mechanism which is one of many exhibited by snake venom. This mechanism does indeed cause macrophage activation and cytokine storms via the antagonism of nicotinic receptors. Although we all know that the ACE-2 receptor is how the virus enters and replicates, it is possible that the nicotinic acid receptor antagonism could indeed play a role in making people so ill. So, it has some snake venom like properties and suggests nicotine and other nicotinic acid agonists may have a therapeutic role. May have one. But that is as far as the science will get you. Problem is that the spike also has sequences which encode proteins identical to staphylococcus toxin ... "

ps. In my "covid kit" I stock a pack of Equate brand Nicotine Gum I bought at Walmart (4 mg - 20 Pieces) easy to cut or bite in half and chew 1/2 a tablet for a 2 mg dose if that dose is chosen

Walter M Chesnut shares this "THE PURPOSE OF THE FURIN CLEAVAGE SITE AND THE GP120 INSERT IS TO INDUCE SYSTEMIC FIBROSIS AND CANCER VIA THE ENDOTHELIUM: SPED GP120 AND FURIN. THE FURIN FEEDBACK LOOP. FIBROSIS AND ONCOGENESIS." here https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/the-purpose-of-the-furin-cleavage?utm_source=email&triedRedirect=true

then there is the prion initiating site in spike - studies abound

"Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease after COVID-19: infection-induced prion protein misfolding? A case report"

"Towards the emergence of a new form of the neurodegenerative Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Twenty six cases of CJD declared a few days after a COVID-19 vaccine Jab"

"SARS-CoV-2, long COVID, prion disease and neurodegeneration"

"Sars-cov-2 Invasion And Pathological Links To Prion Disease"

"The Possible Role of Prion-Like Viral Protein Domains on the Emergence of Novel Viruses as SARS-CoV-2"

"Prion-like Domains in Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 Differ across Its Variants and Enable Changes in Affinity to ACE2"

"SARS-CoV-2, long COVID, prion disease and neurodegeneration"

and such as "S2 subunit of SARS-nCoV-2 interacts with tumor suppressor protein p53 and BRCA: an in silico study"

and that which inhibits an early interferon response to sars-cov-2 - A "feature" the virus has "been learned" is "increased" suppression of the body's early interferon response. This allows viral grow to peak levels until the immune system kicks in and then either no noticeable symptoms or quite noticeable symptoms as the immune system knocks down the viral load. The person is most infectious, with no symptoms, at peak viral levels just before the immune system kicks in - So, OF COURSE there is "Asymptomatic Transmission of COVID-19", a very useful design feature for a pandemic virus.

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Must be time for a new admin in the US. This time I think Trump and the public are more prepared to not blindly "trust the science" but instead use common sense.

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I'm reading conflicting stories as to whether China declared a state of emergency.

Either way, you have to be one stupid mofo to believe this - excuse my language but I think it's appropriate here. Change the play up. We can see it from a mile away.

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Well, unfortunately these people fell for it initially and that's why this is happening. They fucked their own immune system with the poisonous jabs. No longer recognizes anything anymore. I pity those who were jabbed. Unfortunately the spike protein from the jabbed sheds onto the very few unjabbed.

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It's also happening again because no paid the price or were held to account the first time around. In fact, to them a new base line was set.

I so want to believe it doesn't shed.

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Me too, it does, as well as the mRNA and the self replicating mRNA.

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Just Ask CNN

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