Why is mainstream medicine and the Pharma industry afraid of looking into Chlorine Dioxide? Censored on LinkedIn


Doctors Federation for the World (DFW) is a non-profit organisation founded in Italy with the aim of bringing all scientific innovation to the forefront.

In this DFW presentation we look at the area of Chlorine Dioxide and its use in health and COVID-19. At DFW we examine any option that could be of benefit to patients, especially in poorer parts of the world.

Asking challenging questions on the science and safety. Is it beneficial and why is it not being used in Western medicine?

Dr Susan Raj (India)

Raul Pineda (Mexico)

Dr Shankara Chetty (South Africa)

Dr Philip McMillan (UK)

Interesting paper on the safety and use of Chlorine Dioxide.

The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy A Deadly Poison Or A Cure For Covid 19 (1)
144KB ∙ PDF file

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Vejon COVID-19 Review
Vejon COVID-19 Review
Dr Philip McMillan