Doctors Federation for the World (DFW) is a non-profit organisation founded in Italy with the aim of bringing all scientific innovation to the forefront.
In this DFW presentation we look at the area of Chlorine Dioxide and its use in health and COVID-19. At DFW we examine any option that could be of benefit to patients, especially in poorer parts of the world.
Asking challenging questions on the science and safety. Is it beneficial and why is it not being used in Western medicine?
Dr Susan Raj (India)
Raul Pineda (Mexico)
Dr Shankara Chetty (South Africa)
Dr Philip McMillan (UK)
Interesting paper on the safety and use of Chlorine Dioxide.
Interested in joining DFW? Anyone is free to be a part of this growing family.
I assume this is a rhetorical question, no money, no profit, greed. People are catching on, the health care system is not about health. A Covid-19 Out patient is worth a few thousand dollars, and an intibated, dead Covid-19 patient is worth a half million dollars. Yes, it is disgusting to consider money would affect how a patient is treated but we have to be real and consider this possibility.
I have no idea whether Chlorine Dioxide is in anyway related to hydroxychloroquine. Which I read has shown some efficacy in the treatment of Covid. Or it may have been long Covid. But it’s one thing I have learned. Is that if something sounds too good to be true. Then it probably is. Which is not to say this treatment has no promise and shows no positive results. But let’s be careful not to jump on a one size fits all remedy. Which is exactly the manner of thinking that got us into the fix we are in.
Let’s be wary and even hyper skeptical going forward. For it’s not just about the money in terms of the profiteering mindset that we are dealing with. It’s also about our penchant for quick and easy solutions to some very perplexing questions.
As rightfully pointed out. All treatments come downstream of whether this is a food related or a lab created virus. And that is where we must now shift our focus. If we are to ever effectively deal with this pandemic. I believe we will find the answers that we need. But the sequencing is also vitally important. So let us not get ahead of ourselves. Once again.
May I suggest teaming up with the evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein and his wife Heather Hying. For an in depth analysis as to where we should all go from here. Your combined energies and know how I believe would yield further valuable insights. And let’s table Chlorine Dioxide for now. For credibility is sacred and can easily be squandered. So why go there unnecessarily. Let the facts surface as they may. Let’s focus on the logic for now. Until the evidence piles up in one direction or another.
Thank you for your otherwise great work. But this video even disregarding the technical hiccups left me flat. And even wary. For the outsized promises made by some of your participants.
I would also like to add the benefits of having adequate rest and a good night’s sleep. To Dr. Chetty’s recommended list of having proper hydration. Healthy food. And good clean air. As great ways to help our bodies heal. And I say this not as a medical practitioner. Which I am not. But simply based on my own experience. And the little common sense that I have managed to discern. In my time here on planet Earth.
And on a side but related note. This is where the Serenity Prayer comes in handy. And finally us learning how to relax completely. For both will do wonders to prevent us from over reacting or under responding in terms of the decisions we make. And I say this as someone who has spent most of his adult life studying the decision making patterns of us humans. And where and how we can improve upon them. They will also take a lot of the stress out of the situation we are facing. And help calm us down. Which has so many benefits I am told. And have experienced myself. Having had a lot of stress in my own life.
I invite you try them out for yourself. To see whether they also work for you. If you feel so inclined. For another thing I have learned. Is that one has to really want to feel the effects of having lower stress in our life. If we are to ever realize the benefits. This is a health commitment to ourselves in other words. And we cannot cheat on ourselves. Or sell ourselves short. If we actually do want to stay as healthy as humanly possible. Given our age and demography. And unique physiology. For what may be good for one person. May not be so good for another. Why is that so hard for so many people to understand. Including many in the health care community. And those setting our public health care policy. This is also something that now needs to be investigated thoroughly.
Wise words Riccardo.
Our approach is to objectively review all options with no judgement on the source.
Time for science to get back to outcomes as the measure of benefit.
As a fellow beneficiary of an early Jamaican education. Thank you for your hard and commendable work. During this entire pandemic.
Your discerning work fills me with cautious optimism. That we will get to the bottom of all of this. And restore science as a less contentious cross discipline than where it is currently.
And for what it is worth. I wrote our PM here in Canada. That we need to take the politics out of science. And let the entire scientific community do their work. Uncensored and unfettered by him or anyone in his administration.
Trump ended up getting Covid and the doctors were saying it was a severe case where they threw everything expensive at it including monoclonal antibodies. I dont know if he drank Chlorine Dioxide - maybe he should have.
I first found about MMS and Chlorine Dioxide back around 2005 and I actually purchased the 2 separate bottles, but honestly the directions were confusing because it was not in a simple 1 to 1 ratio. Also, the whole chemistry concept seemed weird and scary to me, where is this naturally found in nature? Looking on the internet back then certainly revealed a lot of scary articles as well, so I ended up throwing away the bottles after a few years since they probably expired or went bad. But now I just purchased MMS again a few weeks ago since I know a few people who can possibly use it. Was sitting on my desk for these few weeks, but this time I will try it myself to test it out, thanks for the video and giving me the courage!
Cannot give any advice as I have no clinical experience with this.
Let us know the outcomes.
Here's a free beginner series training, guide book that I produced. There are simple videos linked in the book on six different video platforms. Recipes, resources, and more.
We'd be happy to help provide some info. We manufacture chlorine dioxide products.. and our founder pioneered the industry of personal, commercial, agricultural and veterinary use in the '70's. As @CuriousOutlier recommends, we are also featured in the 2021 documentary:
Happy to answer any questions!
CEO, Snoot! Spray
More info in case anyone is interested
How are you going to get the right concentration - is the product same concentration as what Dr Raj uses so to use 8 drops each bottle?
I am not sure what she exactly used, this page is really good in explaining things
This is what Trump spoke of when the MSM said he told people to drink bleach. It was at the same press conference he where he mentioned Hydroxychloroquine. Imagine how mad he would be if he only realized how they played him!
Only realised the connection while in the interview.
Any healthcare provider in the United States that speaks publicly about the safety and efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide for human use is putting their profession on the line. There are several reasons for this and they are similar to the issues that have come up with other substances that cure a broad range of diseases with minimal cost.
I've been a critical care nurse for over 25 years and when I first heard about Chlorine Dioxide (aka MMS), I thought it was snake oil. I would later discover that it probably can cure at least 80% of pathogenic disease as well as other diseases related to inflammation and mitochondrial disfunction.
I produced a documentary about my journey of discovery.
You should have both Research Scientist Dr. Andreas Kalker & Medical Doctor Dr.Maricio Apericio. They ALSO know A LOT about Chlorine Dioxide. Dr. Andreas Kalker, was one Research Scientist, who was very SKEPTICAL at first anot Chlorine Dioxide, until he tried it, and it COMPLETELY CURED HIS RUEMEDTOID ARTHRITIS. Now past 15 yrs AFTER THIS, he understands it MORE THAN ANYONE in the world. He can MUCH BETTER EXPLAIN the difference compare to these Doctors on you interview here.🙂👍
I would be extremely wary of Dr. Kalker.
Particularly regarding MMS and Chlorine Dioxide.
DON'T believe this news about Dr Andreas Kalker. This article was purposely made to misrepresent his character and the to try to defame his credibility on Chlorine Dioxide. The business insider, is known to LIE about the innovations on alternative medicine. If you PERSONALLY contact Dr Andreas Kalker, he will EXPOSE ALL THE LIES MADE AGAINST HIM on the phone to you. I know of MANY OF PEOPLE personally, have have ALREADY COMPLETELY CURED ALL THEIR AILMENTS WITH ONLY CHLORINE DIOXIDE. Real life results, DONT LIE!
That is propaganda. I've personally interviewed Andreas Kalcker myself. Unfounded charges and claims.
Compared to its use in disease treatment, the side effects or dangers of chlorine dioxide are minimal, regardless of how it is administered.
Dr. Manuel Aparicio Alonso, M.D. President and Medical Director of COMUSAV Worldwide presents in this video the result of intense clinical studies and teamwork which have been recently published as follows:
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Did you know that the FDA issued more than 700 patents to use Chlorine Dioxide in humans?
There are patents for oral, IM, IV, and topical usage for diseases such as HIV, Cancer, Alzheimer's, ALS, MS, Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, just to name a few. You can look up the patents yourself.
Here's one for Respiratory Virus Infection. You'd think they'd have told the public this was available during the plandemic, right?
Nope. That would've hindered their true agenda.
None of my friend or family members got hospitalized for the plandemic illness. Most saw right through the V agenda too.
I work in healthcare and I have not been affected by any illness. My friends and I have no need for the poison darts either, when we have Chlorine Dioxide. (CLO2). 9th grade Chemistry tells us it's not bleach.
The FDA patents tell the many ways we can use it for all types of diseases and illnesses.
Hypocritical bureaucrats know it's safe and effective. NASA told Congress it's the Universal Antidote. They kept quiet too.
We're in a Health Revolution and Chlorine Dioxide is the 'King on the Hill.'
The Vs are not safe and effective. Chlorine Dioxide is Safe & Effective!
That's why we're helping the V injured and those pushing through the after effects of the plandemic illness, to reclaim their life, using Chlorine Dioxide. 🤗💃💃
I personally know of MANY PEOPLE, who have COMPLETELY CURED THEIR DISEASES with Chlorine Dioxide, and had NO NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS WHAT SO EVER!💪🙂👍
Can't remember the fix for the buffering problem.
Hi Dr. McMillan. So good to see that your mind was open enough to take a look at this amazing molecule. As a matter of fact I'm one of the developers of various CLO2 products and just created a substack article explaining how CLO2 can most probably help people to break down the "Process-2" DNA fragments that are being found in all the vials and are therefore floating around in people's bodies. Here is a link to my article if you're still interested in this amazing molecule:
Thank you Scott.
Can you send me an email at
Okay, sent. Let me know if I can help you in any way.
Trump did not say bleach, he said disinfectant. The corporate media characterized what he said as bleach to scare people away.
What happens to the Chloride ion in the body? Chlorinde itself can be toxic even carcinogenic right? We get exposure to it in fire retardants- furnitures (new car smell) and heavily chlorinated water (hot shower) - does our body eliminate it 100%? What dosing are we talking about with Chlorine dioxide treatment- is it daily for certain time or one 1 L bottle will do the job? Very interesting presentation thank you Dr McMillan.
Your body is made of NaCl (salt). Just because something has chlorine in its designated title, does not mean that you end up with chlorine gas.
When chlorine dioxide is broken down by the body, you get a chloride ion and oxygen.
If we called water its chemical name it would kind of sound scary too. hydrogen dioxide. Sounds like it might explode or something.
I made a reply below & it then wouldn't let me edit it.
So hopefully here the edited version.
I would be extremely wary of Dr. Kalker.
Particularly regarding MMS and Chlorine Dioxide.