This very important question has not been answered until this research was done in Romania in 2021. The paper was not published until June 2022 although it is very relevant to potential side effects of mRNA vaccines.
If mRNA lipid nanoparticles circulate in the blood stream, where are they deposited? Once these particles are taken up into cells, the cell will automatically make spike protein to trigger an immune response.
Heart muscle - Myocarditis and pericarditis
Nervous system - Guillain-Barre Syndrome
As mentioned on the CDC website >
Could this also explain the pattern of menstrual bleeding for up to 44% of women after vaccination?
Watch my other video on menstrual bleeding here >
Why would vaccine lipid nanoparticles circulate if injected into the muscle of the deltoid? The paper below demonstrates that cells share material, using exosomes, by circulating in the body.
de la Torre Gomez, Carolina, et al. "“Exosomics”—A review of biophysics, biology and biochemistry of exosomes with a focus on human breast milk." Frontiers in genetics 9 (2018): 92.
Informed consent and thorough research requires that these important questions are fully answered.
Isn't this already known? And I thought it was more than 2 weeks?
More than relevant, thanks.